What type of power can't deal super effective damage?
What is normal type.
What weak pokemon evolves into a super strong one?
What is Magikarp
Does Ditto evolve?
Name one of the legendary birds.
What is Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltros
Which game has team aqua?
What is pokemon alpha saphire
What type(s) is Zapdos?
What is Electric-Flying type
What three powers can Magikarp learn?
What is Splash, tackle, and flail
What is the last evolution of Beldum?
What is Metagross
What pokemon is the creater of the world?
What is Arceus
What game has team plasma?
What is white and Black
What major type is good against steel?
What is fire type
What pokemon does Roxanne, the first gym leader in Hoenn, use?
What is Geodude and Nosepass
Lucario evolves, True or false?
Mew created which legendary pokemon?
What is Mewto
Pokemon Diamond has which legendary pokemon?
What is Dialga
Poison is super effective against Fairy, True or False?
What is True
What Pokemon is the hardest to catch?
What is Abra
What item do you use to evolve a pokemon?
What is an Evolution Stone
Mesprit, Azelf, and which pokemon?
What is Uxie
What type is Luvdisc?
What is Water type
If you see this pokemon danger is coming.
What is Absol
What pokemon does bulbasaur evolve into?
What is Ivysaur
Zekrom, Reshiram, and this pokemon
What is Kyrum