They have such unstable dna their evolutions are really varied
What type is Golbat
Name a water type mythical
Keldeo, manaphy, phione
Name a Pokémon that evolves
Most of em lmao
Name a Pokémon that can use a Z move
Any of them
What starter would be a great circus performer
Poplio :D
What is heracross weak to
Fire, psychic, flying
Name a mythical that appears in a Pokémon movie
Keldeo, Hoopa, celebi, mew, Shaymin
Two Pokémon that evolve with a thunder stone
Eevee, pikachu, charjabug, magneton, nosepass, elektrik, tad bulb.
If you have a fire/electric Pokémon and you terastalize into Grass type, what are you weak to
Flying, poison, bug, fire, ice
Has the clear smoke, drought and hidden ability shell armour.
What does Zoroark’s ability do? Extra points if you say the name
Transforms Zoroark into the last positioned party member “illusion”
What’s the third mythical ever shown/released
Name a Pokémon in the medium slow xp group
What type doesn’t have a Z crystal for it?
None lol
A grass type with the hidden ability Contrary, or a fighting type with the hidden ability moxie
That’s right! Serperior or Scraggy
What do these two Pokémon have in common
Kartana, Ferrothorn
Grass-Steel typing!
What differentiates a mythical from a legendary?
Distributed by events
What Pokémon DOES mega evolve Khangaskan, Krookodile, Croagunk
Khangaskan :D
What stat changes when a Pokémon Dynamaxes
What is HP stat
What pokemon is the only pokemon to have lost a type after evolving
How many Falinks are there?
Which pokemon is called the "Original One"
Which pokemon has you do something with the console to evolve
What are the four main gimmicks of the games gen 6-9
Megas, Zmoves, Max and Terra