These Psychic and Dark type Pokemon were starters in Pokemon Colosseum
Espeon and Umbreon
Across all forms, this Pokemon only has access to Levitate, Neutralizing Gas, Stench, and Misty Surge
This is Diancie's exclusive move
Diamond Storm
A gen 1 dragon and a gen 6 dragon
For Pokemon's 20th anniversary these 3 Pokemon were made into costumes in Super Mario Maker
Bulbasaur Charmander and Squirtle
The starter for this game is an Eevee which can be evolved
Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness
Across all forms, these Pokemon only have access to Huge Power, Cheek Pouch, and Pickup
Diggersby or Bunnelby
This professor studies Pokemon moves
Professor Kukui
Holding this item wouldn't allow this fossil Pokemon's ability to be changed
Ability Shieldon
This Water type Pokemon could appear from a Pokeball in all Smash Bros. games
(Bonus 600 if you can name the other 2 Pokemon from Pokeballs that appear in all Smash Bros. games)
This starter line got its hidden ability changed
Piplup Prinplup Empoleon
Across all forms, this Pokemon only has access to Ice Body, Moody, Inner Focus, and Refrigerate
This non-damaging poison move hits both targets in a double battle
Poison Gas
This Pokemon's Electro Shot won't affect this elephant
A trailer for this Pokemon game could be played with the Mario Kart Double Dash Bonus Disc
Pokemon Colosseum
This starter can be used by three different champions in the main series
(bonus 200 if you can name all three)
Across all forms, this Pokemon only has access to Serene Grace, and Natural Cure
This is Mew's exclusive Z-Move
Genesis Supernova
An evil Sneasler move combined with a Pokemon with Mega Launcher
Dire Clawitzer
This Splatfest started on February 20th 2016 in North America
Pokemon Red vs Pokemon Blue
This starter's exclusive move was only given to Accelgor in a future generation
Greninja / Water Shuriken
Across all forms, this Pokemon only has access to Hustle and Inner Focus
If this 90 accuracy move misses, the user takes 1 damage in gen 1
Hi Jump Kick
A fire starter combined with a grass starter
Renamon and this Pokemon fight in a Death Battle, with Renamon losing