Introduced in gen 6
Embarking on fantastical beings within the Pokémon universes X and Y. It displays a carefree disguise fashioned to daze its rivals. Employs its leaping swiftness to launch bouncy orbs at adversaries from lofty heights. Once prepared, it abandons the charade and dashes past contenders with astonishing velocity.
What gen added the least pokemon
Gen 6
Who Can Change Gender While Evolving
Azurill Can Change Gender While Evolving
Lucia or ho-oh
What’s the best type
Gaze in awe as its grinning fangs unleash a fierce venom! Upon sighting tantalizing treats deemed exquisite for its banquet, this quirky beast leaps forth with wild enthusiasm, oblivious to the unpredictable aftermath of its daring plunge
Hardest gen
Ultra moon, not sun
There’s how many starters
More then 3
Dido or zoroa
Worst type
Weak to a lot
It shall beckon an unsuspecting soul to frolic after it, only to vanish amidst the craggy paths of the hills. Shunned and despised by multitudes, it is rumored to usher in calamity
Which sold more, heart gold or soul silver
Soul silver
How many Pokémon in total
Garitina or rayquaza
Rarest type
Upon bouncing back from the whims of foes with its sturdy foliage fortress, it retaliates wielding its razor-sharp veggie spear. This green delight is both a culinary treasure and a valiant weapon!
Best gen
How many Pokémon was there 6 years ago?
Arceus or goku
Arceus according to some website
Colorless or Normal types
proclaimed to unleash gleaming swords to slice through all things nearby. It also mirrors an avant-garde armament crafted that made its debut in an otherworldly periodical. Quark Thruster enhances the creature's prime attribute on Electric Ground or if the creature clutches Energy Booster.
Iron crown
What gen sold the worst
Gen 5- the best one
First Pokémon ever designed
the first pokemon designed was actually Eevee
Smogon said so
Mew or mewtow
Dido was disguised as bolth so dido