Toxic Electricity
Toxicity Electric
These 3 moves do not do damage to opposing Pokémon in battle (i.e. Splash, Thunder Wave)
Mad options
This method allows Haunter to evolve
What is Trade Evolution
Head Honcho/Boss Crow
This move is the most popular move in Pokémon VGC (by far)
What is Protect
These 2 Pokémon evolve using the metal coat
Who are Scyther & Onix
Fin + Citizen
Dolphin + Citizen
This move gives you access to Pokémon hidden in trees
What is Headbutt
This Pokémon evolves by turning your console upside down
Who is inkay
Pun on the word "audio" & the phrase "i dunno"
In the Smash Brothers series, this is the name of Pikachu's Neutral Special Attack.
What is Thunder Jolt
This Pokemon evolves with the help of a spin
Who is Milcery
Koraidon & Miraidon
Korai = Ancient in Japanese
Mirai = Future in Japanese
Don = Boss
This move has the highest base damage of all moves.
What is Explosion
This Pokemon evolves when it lands 3 critical hits in battle.
Who is Galarian Farfetch'd