Who is the main character in pokémon and age
Ash and he is 10 years old
Who got Ashes first Pokémon
Professor oak
Has Ash met all the legendary birds
Why did Ash become friends with Misty and Brock
Ash had no friends
Who was Ashes first Pokémon
Who are Ashes friends that he traveled with
Misty and Brock
Is Ash a girl or boy
A boy
Name all the legendary birds Ash met
Ho-oh ,Artacuunio,Zaptos
Why did Ash ride Misty's bike
To save Pikachu
Who was the first Pokémon that Ash caught
Who is Ashes enemy
Team rocket
Who was traveling with Ash first Brock or Misty
Did Ash go to Goh's home yet
Where did Ash win against Leon
Windin stadium
Who was Goh's first Pokémon
What show was Ash being the new monarch
Ultimate journeys
How did Ash meet Misty
Ash broke Misty's bike
Does Ash have more than 5 Pokémon
Witch of Ashes Pokémon won against Leon's Charizard
How many Pokémon does Ash have alot or a few
What was the first show that Pokémon made
Indigo league
Who was Ashes best friend
What was the monarch's name before Ash won against him
Why didn't Ash get one of the starter Pokémon
Ash overslept
What town does Ash live in
Pallet town