Both players make their decision at the same time.
What is a simultaneous game?
What is a Variable?
A quantity that can take on two or more values
The relationship between two states
What is a Theory?
conjunction about how the world works
Null Hypothesis
What would occur if your hypothesis was not true
Not an identical strategy set for both players.
Asymmetric Game
Variable theorized to cause variation.
Independent Variable
Voluntary Transfer of goods, money, or services from one state to another.
Foreign Aid
As a country modernizes, developments and progresses economically it is more likely to be democratic
Modernization Theory
everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Random Sample
A game that results in a loss.
Zero Sum Game
The variable that you are looking at/ studying
Dependent Variable
Penalties applied against one state by another
Economic Sanctions
Party ID is a social construct. it is something you are taught and is a form of group identity.
Socialization Theory
datasets others have gathered
Canned dataset
a situation in which a player will continue with their chosen strategy. No player can do any better by changing their strategy.
Nash Equilibrium
Independent Variable of Interest
specific IV that you are interested in studying in relation to the DV
State Capacity
State capacity is ability of a government to collect taxes and enforce laws
Argues that civil wars occur because the rebels have the opportunity, things that would actually allow them to fight, lootable goods matter, diamonds, oil, drugs, things that can quickly be solid for soldiers and weapons.
Opportunity (Greed) Theory
likelihood of a party winning control of government or at least being in the governing coalition. When you have high levels of competition that means more parties have a realistic chance of getting into control of the government/ governing coalition could change dramatically.
Intensity of Competition
Simultaneous game with two Nash equilibriums. This game is special because it shows preference.
What is the Battle of The Sexes Game?
What is the Control Variable?
a variable held constant or limited in a research study. It’s a variable that is not of interest to the study’s objectives but is controlled because it could influence the outcomes.
Argues that states are seeking power but for a specific reason, usually at a minimum to ensure their survival
Makes predictions about the number of parties in a country. The number of viable parties that could win an election will be = to the number of people elected to districts +1.
Duverger's Law
other parties are allowed to run, but generally one party is going to win everything
Dominant party system