
Who was the President of Russia during the Russo-Georgian War?

Who is Dmitry Medvedev?


According to feminist IR, this is the defining characteristic of Putin's political reign.

Highly politicized masculinity. Putin uses hypermasculinity “as a strategy for creating not just legitimacy, but also a scenario of power itself”


This is a website created by Putin in 2007 to promote Russian language and culture worldwide.

What is the Russkiy Mir Foundation / Russian World.


In his Valdai Speech, Putin advocated for a system based on what principles, rejecting attempts to create a unipolar world?

What are multipolarity and equality?


These are two political effects of the War in Ukraine for Russia

Rise of nationalism, Putin's re-election, Russia's alienation from West, Ukraine shifts westward.


What was the immediate trigger for the Russo-Georgian War?

What is Georgia's military operation in South Ossetia?


These are the three federal cities of the Russian Federation.

Moscow, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg


Explain the idea of Russia as a civilizational space.

Russia is different from West; it is an imaginary space that includes all those touched by Russian culture.


What is the main argument presented in the article by Marlene Laruelle regarding Russia's foreign policy and nationalism?

The assumption that Russia's foreign policy is nationalist needs to be questioned, as nationalism is not the main driver of state decisions.


These negotiations refer to a set of ceasefire agreements aimed at resolving the conflict in eastern Ukraine, particularly in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

What are the Minsk Agreements?

These are two examples of Russian hysteresis in the 20th and 21st centuries

Expansion of NATO, 2014 Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine.


When did most of Russian oligarchs come to power?

After the dissolution of the USSR


These were two of the objectives of Russian intervention in Syria.

Combat terrorism, Preserve Assad's regime, Counter Western influence, Defend geopolitical interests.


Putin highlighted Russia's commitment to what economic partnership during his Valdai Speech?

What is the Eurasian Economic Union?


Which regions were at the center of the territorial dispute between Russia and Georgia during the war?

What are South Ossetia and Abkhazia?


According to the readings, this was a cause of hysteria for Russia in 1905.

Losses in war against Japan led to the 1905 Russian Revolution.


The word gosudarstvo is relevant when understanding the relationship between Russian leaders to the territory because...?

At first, gosudar meant prince or master of the household, with Ivan III demanding to be called that. Later, it changed in meaning to represent the territory a prince ruled. It is interesting when considering the representativeness and importance of the figure of the leader to the overall territory. 


How did Soviet agricultural policies, such as collectivization and grain requisitioning, exacerbate the famine conditions during the Holodomor?

Collectivization forcibly consolidated individual farms into collective farms, disrupting traditional agricultural practices and leading to resistance among peasants. This disruption reduced agricultural productivity and efficiency, contributing to food shortages. Additionally, grain requisitioning policies mandated that a significant portion of the harvest be surrendered to the state, leaving peasants with insufficient food for themselves.


What challenges does the author of "Russia as a ‘Divided Nation,’ from Compatriots to Crimea" highlight in tracking the influence of nationalist groups on Russia's foreign policy decisions?

The Kremlin's appropriation of topics that were previously considered the domain of nationalist circles.


Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2014 violated the terms of this agreement, signed in 1994 by Ukraine, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. 

What is the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances?
