What is the name of the group that made the report discussed in this chapter?
Police Executive Research Forum
What are the two examples of less-lethal weapons?
Pepper spray and tasers
How many Police Executives were surveyed in this report.
Over 1000
T/F Less-lethal weapons can never cause death
The report found that officers share an intolerance of ___________?
officers who racially profile or are biased.
What is suicide by cop?
When people try to get cops to use deadly force to help them commit suicide
What is an example of misinterpreted Racial Bias
Observing a white male in a predominatly Black neighborhood.
Which case helped create the fleeing-felon rule?
Tennessee v. Garner
Are the Majority of Officers fair according to the study?
What is Deadly Force?
The use of a weapon to intentionally result in a high probability of death
what is police use of force?
Any physical action taken by police to subdue or control a suspect when necessary