Basic Protocol True/False
PPP Definitions
Resources for RAs and Students
Step by Step Procedures
Housing Policies
True or False: If a critical incident occurs on campus, it is ok for an RA to talk to someone from the local newspaper.
False. An RA should never talk to any media outlets about campus-related incidents. All inquiries from the media or press should be directed to the Assistant Director of Residence Education.
Death of a student, rape and/or sexual assault, any suicide threat or gesture, serious injury or illness requiring hospital admission, arrest, any situation where you do not feel comfortable dealing with alone or you are not sure what to do...These are all reasons for an RA to take this action.
What are reasons to contact the Hall Director on Duty.
This is who/where an RA would contact for flood assessment/clean-up.
What is The Front Desk (x9000) or Facilities Operations (x3113).
This is the first thing an RA should do when confronting a situation or incident.
What is assess the situation. Understand what is being confronted and what policy is being violated.
This document is where you can find information regarding specific policies pertaining to residential living at UConn.
What is the Housing Contract (available at the Residence Life website:
True or False: A guest can go down to the game room while their host (the resident) is in class.
False. Residents should be escorting their guests at all times and should not leave them unattended. Additionally, residents should never leave their keys with a guest.
Any behavior, action, and/or outcome that harms or threatens to harm an individual or group. Such behavior has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's academic, social, or living environment.
What is a bias-related incident.
This is who possesses an Interpersonal Violence Resource packet.
Who is an RA. (All RAs have been provided one during training.)
These are the first two steps an RA should take if a student is suspected to be missing.
What are the following: 1.) Ask roommates, friends, and classmates of the student of his/her whereabouts. 2.) Contact the HD on duty.
This is the number of guests a single resident is permitted to have at any given time.
What is two. (Residents in Husky Village have a different requirement.)
True or False: The day after an incident is documented, an incident report must be submitted to Judicial Action by 12:00 pm.
False. It should be submitted by 9:00 am.
An easy-to-use online database which allows for the effective management of the University's student conduct system.
What is JAnet.
This is who/what can provide residents/students confidentiality.
What is Counseling & Mental Health Services, or an off-campus sexual assault crisis center.
For Community Standards, this could be considered the single most helpful action of an RA who is confronting a situation.
What is writing down the facts of a situation. Documenting what you see, hear, and say will significantly help in understanding what response Community Standards will need to initiate. Who, what, where, when, why, and how are critical questions to answer in your report.
These are the designated Quiet Hours in the residence halls.
What are 10:00 pm - 7:00 am Sunday-Thursday, and 12:00 am - 7:00 am Friday and Saturday.
True or False: It is acceptable for an RA to key into a resident's room.
False. An RA should not be keying into a resident's room, and when it is appropriate to do so (only Fire, Health and Safety Inspections) an RA should always have another RA or a supervisor with them.
I will practice personal and academic integrity. I will respect the dignity and rights of all persons. I will demonstrate concern for others and live up to my community responsibilities. I will approach learning with a spirit of inquiry. I will take pride in the University of Connecticut.
What is the UConn Creed.
This is where a student can go for a Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit.
What is the Windham Hospital.
These are the first three steps to take when an RA encounters a bias-related incident (which may vary, depending upon the circumstance).
What are the following: 1.) Ensure that no one removes the found graffiti; secure it. 2.) Call 911 if medical treatment or immediate assistance is needed. 3.) Call UCPD to file a report and have pictures taken.
Provide the following information about lock-outs: who addresses them, how many a student can have, and how much they cost.
What is The Front Desk; an unlimited number; and, the first two are free, and any thereafter are $25 each.
True or False: When the fire alarm goes off, the first thing an RA should do is call 911.
False. An RA should exit the building before calling 911.
Provides coordinated health care and guidance to students with eating disorders through medicine, nursing, mental health and nutrition guidance on a case-by-case basis, within the scope of their practice. The team provides a forum, which facilitates communication between the disciplines.
What is the Eating Disorder Support Team.
This is where a student can obtain a Claims Against the State form.
What is the Operations Office.
These are the first three stages of the mediation process.
What are Reviewing Roles and Ground Rules, Defining the Issues, and Recapping the Issues.
This is the limit of alcohol that a resident, 21 years of age or older, is permitted to possess in his/her room at any given time.
What is one 12-pack of beer, one liter of wine, or one liter of liquor.