When do I enter the classroom?
When asked to do so after forming a line.
How do I turn in my work?
Have it completed on your desk at the beginning of class on the day it is due.
Assignments completed early can go in assigned trays.
Where do I go when there is a fire alarm drill?
Calmly make your way to the P.E. Field and report to your first period Teacher.
Be ___ ____ and in your seat before the ____ ____.
Be ON TIME and in your set before the TARDY BELL.
1st offense
Private verbal warning
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Only during independent work, never during instruction.
How do I exit the classroom?
After cleaning up your desk and I dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you.
What do you do when you are in the hallway during a lock down?
Go directly to the nearest classroom, even if it is not your teacher and follow instructions.
Respect your _______ and your __________.
Respect your TEACHER and your CLASSMATES.
2nd offense
Official warning and Minor referral
When can I go to the restroom?
During independent work, unless it is an extreme emergency.
How do I make up missed work?
Check the make up work folders for each day you were absent.
What do you do when we are in lock down?
Sit down on the floor near your desk or where instructed. Do not make any noise!
If these are seen they will be taken and returned only to your parents.
Cell phones and electronics.
3rd offense
Detention and Minor referral
When do I turn in my work?
On the date they are due, or before.
How do I get extra help?
I am usually in my classroom during lunch. You can also ask questions during independent work, before school or after school.
What should you never do during lock down?
Never unlock or open the door.
Keep these to yourself.
Hands, Feet and objects.
Do not push, kick, hit or trip others. Do not throw or kick any objects around classroom.
4th offense
Parent contact, Detention and Last Minor referral
When do I make up a missed test?
On the next period you are present in class.
How do I start my day?
Check the board for needed supplies, write down daily objectives in your student planner.
Remember these 3 things during lockdown.
Get to safety, be quiet, stay put.
No _____ words.
No SWEAR words.
Inappropriate language is not aloud under any circumstance.
5th offense
SIP, Parent Contact, Major Referral to Vice Principle