Site History
First Aid
Health Policy
Emergency Procedures
What is the adopt a cabin program?
All buildings on site are adopted by churches, church groups or families. They are responsible for the annual upkeep of the cabin they adopt.
During night time snack your camper is dispensing hot water into a mug to make hot chocolate. They splash some hot water on their hand, but insist that its no big deal. How do you respond?
Even if the burn is minor, if it is not cooled down the burn will get worse with time. Take the child to the closest sink and run their hand under cool water for several minutes (NOT ice water, can cause shock to the body.)
What staff members at camp need to be CPR certified?
ALL STAFF MEMBERS at menesetung
Sarah notices one of her campers is missing after lunch time. what should she do??
First she should recount her campers, and then do a rapid search in obvious places the camper may be. Ex washroom, their cabin. Next she should inform the director and the air horn will be blasted 3 times, all campers and staff report to the tarmac. 2 staff take campers to the basement and the rest of staff pairs up and are instructed to search different areas.
Are we allowed to go for a swim at the beach if it is only the counsellors?
Who is the chair on the board of directors ? (hint not Alexander)
Barb Knox
Little Johnny acquires a nasty bee sting while on the low ropes course and his knee doubles in size and his throat starts to feel tight. As a councellor what do you do?
Ensure their is adequate staff to stay with the kids at the low ropes course, then walk the child to the health centre. The first aider will administer an epi-pen once determined that the child is going into anaphylaxitic shock.
How often should fire extinguishers be inspected?
inspected weekly and recorded on weekly maintenance sheet! Monthly the cards on the extinguisher must be initialed.
A big black bear is spotted near the dumpster before campfire. What do you do?
1st get all campers close to the bear to slowly back away from the bear. When all campers are a safe distance from the bear, staff member will repeatedly blow their whistle and nearby staff will start blowing their whistle until all staff get the signal and campers are taken to the nearest building until the bear leaves the site
What do three long whistle blasts at the pool mean?
It indicates an emergency is occurring. All campers and staff are to evacuate the pool and get out eye sight, besides the injured people and staff helping. One staff member will walkie-talkie Janelle and tell her to get to the pool immediately. 911 will be called if need be, and the injury will be treated to the best of our ability.
How many campers can be on site for overnight camp in any given week (if staff numbers were not a limiting factor)?
One hundred campers
A child is super into the parachute games on the hill and is so busy they forget to drink water all morning. You notice the child is sweating profusely, seems to be staggering slightly, and generally confused to surroundings. WHAT NOW??
This child has heat exhaustion, which will progress into heat stroke if left untreated. Heat stroke is a medical emergency. Get the child out of the sun, and ensure they get hydrated while cooling off in an air conditioned building. They will not go outside until symptoms are resolved.
Where does a staff member keep their medication for the summer?
With the first aider, as children could get into the staff's medication from the cabins
Little susan confides in her counsellor that her dad is not allowed to pick her up from camp or see her, due to a recent restraining order. On Tuesday Susan's dad appears on site,visibly drunk and frantically looking for susan. What do you tell him? how do you respond if he refuses to leave?
The counsellor will firmly tell Susan's dad he is not permitted on sire and ask him to leave. If he refuses to leave the site a lockdown will ensue. A series of short whistles will be blown and campers will be taken to the nearest building that locks. If her dad attempts to break down a door, does not leave the site or anther campers safety is at risk 911 will be contacted.
What presbytery is camp menesetung in? What conference is Camp Menesetung in?
presbytery= Huron-Perth Conference=London
What year was camp Menesetung founded?
In the year 1933
During archery a child is not following instructions and decides to shoot Wade instead of the targets. Wade is feeling extremely macho today and decided he wants to pull the arrow out of his arm and continue to teach archery. As the councellor at the archery range, what should you do to help?
First and foremost do NOT let wade pull the arrow out himself. NEVER remove an embedded object, unless it is a small sliver. Wade should report to the First Aider and will be transported to the hospital for arrow removal. The camp counsellor should tell the other kids archery is over and occupy them with lower risk games.
who is allowed to drive campers offsite? Example how do campers get offsite to golf? what about in a emergency?
Only the director is able to transport campers, as Alexander has a special license that ensures campers in the event of an accident. In an emergency a camper will be transported to the hospital via ambulance or Alexanders car.
Jenna is helping Dawne in the kitchen prepare lunch and Dawne gets flustered by a camper that has ran into her kitchen area. A small fire starts on the stove while Dawne is carrying the child out of the kitchen area. what should Jenna do?
Jenna should look behind the door near the stove and pull out the pin which will activate the sprinkler system above the stove. Next, she will locate the fire extinguisher near the dining tables and use it if necessary.
How can the leadership staff communicate with out running across the field 50 times a day? Explain exactly how are these devices used?
WALKIE-Talkie! HOLD down the call button and WAIT three seconds then proceed to talk. Indicate WHO the message is for ex. David, Janelle, Alexander, Christina, or kitchen walkie. Talk clearly and slowly, give clear instructions of what you need help with.
What does "Menesetung" mean?
It means laughing waters
A camper is running to breakfast and trips and lands on a sharp large rock. One of the bones in their forearm (Ulna) is visible through the skin. WHAT now?
One staff member will usher all of the kids into the dining hall, and audience only makes a serious injury worse. That staff member will use the kitchen phone to call 911 and get an ambulance on site.One staff member will ensure the child that it is okay, and tell them help is on the way. The staff will try to calm the child and make sure no dirt gets into the wound.
In what situations does a staff member need to wear gloves? pocketmask?
Anytime they are dealing with bodily fluids ! ex.blood, salvia. pocket mask when performing CPR
It is midnight and a camper is playing with matches and lights their bunk on fire. As the staff members in the cabins what do you do?
All staff and campers from the cabin exit the cabin. One staff member wakes up all other cabins attached to the building (they are in eminent danger). One staff would alert the director, and call 911. An evacuation would occur and all staff and campers would be accounted for and then proceed to the main gates.
What does ADA stand for? what two things compromise a "behaviour"?
Applied Behaviour Analysis of course ! A behaviour is anything that is measurable and observable.