Topic Knowledge

This kind of intellectual property right grants the holder the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using or offering for sale, selling or importing a product without authorization.

What is a patent?


These are the names of your team captains.

Who are Soda and Jaclyn?


These are the two major candidates running for the 2024 election.

Who are Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?


These are the three main parts of a kritik.  (bonus points if you can name two other non-essential parts)

What is link, impact, and alternative?  (bonus for theory of power and/or framework/rob)


The ability of the negative to drop advocacies throughout the debate and pick which "world" they are defending is called this.

What is conditionality?


This happens when language learning models make up or misrepresent information.

What is an AI hallucination?


This man was the founder and original director of the Bronx Science speech & debate team.

Who is Richard B. Sodikow?


This piece of legislation regulating and providing subsidies for agriculture is due for renewal, making it a likely agenda politics argument for the upcoming season.

What is the farm bill?


This German author is the basis of the psychoanalysis kritik.

Who is Sigmund Freud?


This theory violation occurs when a permutation only advocates for some of the plan.

What is severance?


This is the right to control the use of a mark in association with a good or service.

What is a trademark?


In 2004, two debaters from this university made it to quarterfinals of the national debate tournament by arguing that the forms of evidence debaters use should not be based evidence in so-called experts, but instead in organic intellectuals and personal experinece.

What is the University of Louisville?


The concept that the president or prevailing political party in congress would have to "push" a policy in order to get it passed, trading off with other policies, is called this.

What is political capital?


These are the three parts of social death theory, as theorized originally by Orlando Patterson and then adopted by Frank Wilderson.

What are gratuitous violence, natal alienation, and general dishonor?


This kind of permutation argues that the normal means implementation of the aff plan could be identical to the cp/alt.

What is perm do the cp?


This treaty provides for preliminary examination of international applications prior to entering the patent process for individual countries.

What is the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PTC)?


This person was the "winningest" debater in Bronx Science policy debate history, who went on to win two NDTs for Georgetown.

Who is Andrew Markoff?


This concept refers to the idea that when a president successfully pushes for a popular policy, it makes other agenda items easier to pass in the future.

What is winners win?


This French theorist of information, communication, and representation claimed in 1991 that "the Gulf War did not take place."

Who is Jean Baudrillard?


Fairness in debate is conceptualized as these two types.

What are procedural and structural fairness?


This is a form of secondary liability that holds a third party liable for counterfeiting if they knew about trademark infringement and on their platform and did nothing to stop it.

What is contributory liability?


This squad won the first-ever division of the Tournament of Champions that was hosted for their event in 1986.

What is the Lincoln-Douglas squad?


This old theory argument rejects agenda politics disads because a logical policy maker would pass both the plan and agenda item.

What is disad intrinsicness?


This triad of concepts from Jacques Lacan is analogous to Sigmund Freud's ego, superego, and id. (+100 bonus points if it's in the right order)

What is the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real?

In this archaic form of debate, popular in the 1970s, the negative would read multiple counter-examples of the resolution to prove that there were more negative examples of it than positive ones. 

What is hypotesting?
