Licensing/Title XXII
Classroom Policies
Program Policies
Employment Rules & Regulations
Reference Directory

How many units must a PRESCHOOL teacher have in order to be considered fully qualified?  

50+ Bonus: Identify the courses


Bonus: Child Growth and Development; Introduction to Curriculum; Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children; Child, Family, and Community (and/or 3 units in Infant/Toddler)


When are you allowed to have a cell phone in your classroom?

50+ Bonus: Why is this a rule?

When TGP is closed (basically NEVER).

Bonus: Licensing says that a teacher using their cell phone is NOT engaged in visual supervision of students and this is a Title XXII Type A Violation.  Further, cell phone photos and recordings are considered an invasion of student privacy and a violation of Children's Rights.


How many minutes are children allowed to have screen time per day?

ZERO.  It is currently TGP's policy that children have NO screen time.  Using technology as a tool still requires teacher interaction.  Remember: YOU are the main source of entertainment for your students.


Are scheduled hours or room assignments guaranteed?

No.  Work hours, room assignments, and schedules are subject to change at any time. The Growing Place will notify employees of any deviation from the normal schedule. Hours and classroom assignments are not guaranteed and are subject to change based on program needs. You may not refuse a schedule change, room change, break/meal period assignment, or request to cover in another capacity during your scheduled hours.


Your schedule doesn't work for you--it's too hard to get up that early and traffic is too bad.  You're struggling every day.  Who do you talk to?

Patty and Julia are in charge of staff work schedules and hours.


What are the Title XXII ratios for:

(1) Infant/Toddler, (2) Preschool, (3) School Age

Infant/Toddler: 1 fully qualified staff to 4 children

Preschool: 1 fully qualified staff to 12 children (or up to 24 during naptime)

School Age: 1 fully qualified staff to 14 children


When are staff allowed to bring outside food/beverages into their classrooms?

NEVER.  With the exception of WATER, employee food/beverages MUST be stored in the break room or your vehicle.  The ONLY food permitted in classrooms are those provided by TGP for the School Lunch program and by parents/TGP during classroom parties/events.  Coffee, soda, staff snacks, etc. are NEVER permitted inside classrooms.


An employee who is scheduled for work at 8:30 a.m. and arrives at 8:30 a.m. is ________.

Tardy.  Employees are expected to be IN their assigned classroom by their shift start time.  Employees should allow ample time to clock-in, put away their personal belongings, and/or drop off their own children.


Who is responsible for enforcing issues like dress code and gossip?

50+ Bonus: Identify three examples of dress code violations.

It is the lead teacher's responsibility to counsel staff in their class regarding both gossip and dress code violations.  In the event of repeat violations, or violations by a lead teacher, a program director will be responsible.  


You can't find that special scrubby sponge that gets the glue off your classroom tables (oops! Should have covered them with garbage bags during art!).  What do you do?

Submit a supply request to Jennie for the scrub sponge, if you aren't able to resolve the damage submit a repair request to Jennie for the table.


At what point(s) do we perform a student headcount throughout the day? 

50+ Bonus: Which teacher is responsible for knowing the classroom daily headcount?

Breakfast, 9 am, before and after EVERY recess, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, 4:30 pm and every half hour thereafter.

Bonus: EVERY teacher in the classroom must be able to accurately answer the headcount at any time per Title XXII.


What temperature does it need to be outside before you are allowed to turn on the air conditioner?

50+ Bonus: What is the lowest setting your thermostat should EVER be set at?

80 Degrees Fahrenheit

Bonus: 72 Degrees Fahrenheit


What are TGP's work rules regarding Daily Classroom Opening and Closing Duties (as outlined in the Employee Handbook)?

50+ Bonus: What are the elements of a Daily Student Health Check?

See Page 36: Daily In-Classroom Opening & Closing Duties

Bonus: Checking in to see how the child’s night/morning went, determining whether they are healthy enough and prepared for school (bedding, have they used the bathroom, shoes on the right feet?  Head lice?  Bruises/Rash?)


What is TGP's policy for calling off of work?

An employee who is sick and/or unable to work must CALL TGP directly by 6:30 a.m. on the morning of their absence. An OPENING employee MUST CALL the director the night prior.

Please note, text message, email, or direct message through the Remind app are not acceptable notice. If you begin feeling ill on the weekend, please call the director to give them notice that you may possibly be ill so they can have a contingency plan ready.

Absent employees must call in again before 2:00 p.m. to confirm whether they will be present for work the following day. If a substitute has been secured due to an employee’s failure to notify The Growing Place of his or her attendance, the employee is subject to losing those hours and pay.


Who do you go to if you are requesting time off? 

When should time-off requests be turned in? 

Are you guaranteed the time off if you submit your request on time?


Two Weeks Prior (minimum)

No.  Even in circumstances where the employee HAS available vacation time, if the absence cannot be covered it may not be granted.


Community Care Licensing can force the permanent facility closure in the event of _____ Type A Violations within a 12-month period.

TWO.  That is all that it takes.  TWO times that an employee didn't have visual supervision of a child in the bathroom or a teacher was tardy and their classroom was over ratio without calling for floater coverage.  The consequences are significant.


How often should you be making your bleach bottles for sanitization?

50+ Bonus: What are you required to sanitize daily?

EVERY DAY.  Once you dilute bleach with water, the sanitization properties disappear after 24 hours.

Bonus: Germ-toy bins, hard toys, hard surfaces, light switches and door handles.


Describe TGP's Playground Safety policy as outlined in the Employee Handbook.

50+ Bonus: Identify the "stations" on each playground.

See Page 27: Playground Safety

Bonus: Stations are indicated on the aerial map.


An employee who trips (but does not fall) over something in the classroom or on the playground should do what?

Remedy the hazard and report the workplace accident.

Employees must report all accidents to their supervisor immediately, regardless of how minor.

If a work-related injury requires medical attention by a physician or any other medical facility that produces a bill, a claim must be made out the same day by the employee. Employees are not authorized to go to a physician without first advising their supervisor or manager of the workplace injury. The Growing Place participates in a Workers Compensation Medical Provider Network with specific designated physicians.

See Page 26, 39 and the Workers Comp appendix of Handbook.


You're not quite sure what's expected of you in your classroom and you're looking for ways to grow your skills and have better student engagement.  Who do you talk to?

If you have questions about the flow of your room, you can talk to your lead teacher.  But you can also see Rheena!  Rheena can help with in-class training and review classroom expectations with staff, she can recommend professional development opportunities and curriculum/transition activities for your students to build your strength as a teacher.

Two staff are out on the preschool playground with 18 students.  A student hits their head and is in need of ice.  What is the protocol for this situation?

Contact the office via walkie talkie (Channel 10) and request a floater/coverage so that the student can be treated, complete the student's accident report. 

NEVER LEAVE your classroom or playground when it would leave you OUT OF RATIO (this includes turning your back to talk to others). It is your job to know that there are enough QUALIFIED staff BEFORE you leave your room.  This applies for breaks and end of shift as well.


This weekly practice is important for your classroom's internal communication as well as making sure that the communication is open between your room and the office.  Your classroom’s binder (which should contain open/closing notes) should also contain the meeting notes distributed by the office and your own room's notes from this weekly event.  


Daily Double BONUS: Show me your classroom's binder that includes your most recent weekly meeting agenda (must be from 2023).


Based on TGP's illness exclusion policy (in the handbook), a child will NOT be sent home for these symptoms (identify five).

Page 50.  When It's OK to Stay in Child Care: Common colds; Runny noses (regardless of color or consistency of nasal discharge); Coughs; Yellow, green, white, or watery eye discharge without fever; Eye/eyelid pain or redness; Fever in children older than 4 months above 101F without any signs/symptoms of illness; Rash without fever and without behavioral changes; Thrush; Fifth disease (slap cheek); All staphylococcal infections; etc.


Wage decisions are made based on what factors (name five)?

• The Growing Place establishes fixed pay rate brackets for each position in the program school (Sub, Aide, Teacher, Support, Lead).

• Within those brackets, the following factors (in no order of priority) determine whether a staff member is set at the high or low end of the bracket: tenure, education/units, annual professional growth hours, attendance, tardiness, accountability, professionalism.


You have an issue and you aren't sure who to ask. Where can you find the reference directory?

It's posted in the break room as mentioned in January's meeting notes.
