Drug Alcohol & Impairment
Adult to Youth and supervision

The Board is responsible for setting the National Levy /Contribution on the recommendation of the Chief Executive.

Who determines the setting of the National Levy/contribution


Saftey checks (Police Vets) are down every 2nd year

How do we ensure our adults are safe?


All persons attending, or engaging with, any form of Scouting Activity within Scouts Aotearoa.

Who does this policy apply to?


Anyone who is 18+years old and holds a Scouts Aotearoa Police Vet with the exception being 18+ venturers. 

Who is included as an adult in determining ratios?


Steph de Hann  (Volcanic)

Johanna Hearn  (Western Bay of Plenty)

Who is my Zone Leader?

What are the names of the two zone leaders in the room?


The Scout Association of New Zealand - Group  name.

All bank accounts must begin with the full legal name of the organisation


An adult should never be alone with a kid

What is something Scouts Aoteroa does to ensure everyones safety.   Safe practice


Any adult or young person found to be in possession of, or suspected to be under the influence of illegal drugs at a Scouting activity

Why would I be  immediately removed from a scouting activity


Two Kaiārahi are present at all times.

What is the minimum requirement at all times? 


What address do I send my end of year consolidation or questions to? Or where do I go for help relating to end of year consolidation.


Approval of at least two individuals.

What does the authorisation of all payments and transfers require


The Code of Ethics 

What is the code that explians how our members should treat each other and how adults should treat rangatahi.


They will be removed immediately from the scouting activity

What will happen to any adult or young person to be in possession of, or suspected to be under the influence of illegal drugs


No, as they have not undergone a Scouts Aotearoa police vet they aren't included in the Supervision ratio.

Is a parent who is not Police vetted included in the supervision ratio calculation


This guide has been developed to assist Kaiārahi in managing young people who demonstrate a pattern of behaviour that sits outside the Scout Law and Promise. 

What is the purpose of the Youth Behavioural Management Guide?


Must be paid into a bank account in the name of the Scout Association of New Zealand.

All funds generated in the name of Scouts Aotearoa and/or used for Scouting purposes



If I are worried, need help or nobody is listening what is the txt number I can send a free text message to? 


Under no circumstances.

Under what circumstances shall any young person be offered alcohol or allowed to consume alcohol at any scouting event


Kaiārahi are aware of the youths general location within fixed boundaries and can quickly reach them if needed.

What is Non-Active Supervision?



Who is responsible for Health and Safety? 


Scouts Aotearoa must provide financial reporting to the Department of Internal Affairs Charities

What does Scouts Aotearoa have to do to keep it’s charitable status


You are taught about your rights

You're taken seriously

You help make decisions when they effect you

What does Kids at the centre mean?


The exception to this rule (what is the rule) is at events and activities held in licensed premises (with parental consent). In these cases, the members who are in attendance and are directly responsible for supervising young people must not consume alcohol.

Alcohol consumption is not permitted at Scouting activities where young people are present, regardless of whether or not it is visible to young people.


All parents must be informed, made aware of how this works and parents must be in agreeement of this practise. 

What must be done if using a shadow party?


a. Have their ability to purchase from Scouts Direct stopped

b. Have the management of the Group, the Group's finances and/or the Groups assets placed with the Zone

c. Have their Group registration cancelled and the Groups finances and assets transferred to the Zone.

What can happen if, at the discretion of the Chief Executive  a group does not meet their National Levy/ Contribution payment within 90 days of invoicing
