The first person you should notify when you encounter an issue related to Academic Integrity.
Dale Scott
Something we do at Tier 1 to ensure that all students have access to the curriculum in the ways that work best for them.
The minimum number of times each criteria needs to be assessed each semester.
The year that these policies were first written.
Diversity and Equity
The number instance of missing the same skill at which parents are called into a meeting
The two different types of plans that students may have if they have an identified impact to their learning.
IEP and 504
Three things to record in ManageBac for each student for each summative they complete.
Achievement level 0-8, a rubric-based strength comment, a rubric-based area for growth.
The location where parents can access all policies
MYP/IB page of the ANCS website
In order to standardize grading, teachers choose a random (or strategic) set of assessments to assign achievement levels without collaboration and then discuss the results
Blind Grading
The additional skill that 8th graders are expected to learn in addition to 6th and 7th grade source referencing skills.
What are in-text citations.
This is a responsibility for all stakeholder groups
Abide by the Guiding Principles in all interactions with the school community
Assessment FOR learning is also known as...
Formative Assessment
The stakeholder group(s) that are able to give input into policy changes.
All stakeholders! Faculty and staff, students, parents... (correct answers need to include multiple, not just one)
What it is called when changes made to a student's assessment or curriculum no longer meet state standards.
When it is part of the learning experience and does NOT generate student work for them ______ is permitted.
use of AI
The person to consult when accommodations in presentation or response for a summative go beyond adjustments in timing or the format of the document.
MYP Coordinator - Dale Scott
The correct achievement level for a student who missed two months of school due to surgery and was not able to complete a summative
IB required policies for all World schools: Access & Admissions, Academic Integrity, Assessment, Inclusion, and ___________.
Language Policy
The term for asking students to share important details from reading in their own words (not to be confused with using someone else's words :) )
Within teacher responsibilities, this is part of ensuring a fair "playing field" for assessment.
Not providing support beyond clarification of directions.
These are the four categories of accommodations
Presentation, Response, Setting, Scheduling
These three things should be complete PRIOR to the start of a unit.
Summative Assessment, Task Specific Clarification, Learning Targets
The name of the IB document that outlines the titles and required elements for policies.
Hint: this is the same document that we used to conduct our Self Study.
Programme Standards and Practices
Supporting academic misconduct by another student, for example allowing one's work to be copied