Which type of political participation is the most common?
What is the average voter turnout in a Presidential election?
Are people who are not born U.S. citizens but rather became U.S. citizens through a process called natural born/native born citizens or are they called naturalized citizens?
naturalized citizens
What is the average voter turnout in a mid-term election?
What is the form called that a person has to fill out before voting, which allows the government to make sure that the person is really qualified to vote?
voter registration
Who is more likely to vote, men or women?
What was created in order to make sure that White men were not prevented from voting by the poll tax and literacy test requirements that were in place in most Southern states?
Grandfather Clause
Who is more like to vote, naturalized citizens or natural born citizens?
natural born citizens
Who is more likely to vote, homeowners or renters?
What is the electorate (define it)?
a group of people who can vote because they have met the qualifications for voting in their states
Would a politician or political party rather spend their time, money, and attention on groups that tend to have a high voter turnout or a low voter turnout?
a high voter turnout
The _________________________ told states that they could not require the paying of a poll tax as a qualification to vote.
24th Amendment
If a person believes that his/her vote is going to make a difference, then that person has…
high voter efficacy (the word "high" must be in the answer)
The _________________________ told states that they could not require a literacy test as a qualification to vote.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Why was the size of the electorate only 23% of the U.S. population in 1789 but it is 68% today?
because back then, there were a lot of groups of people who were not allowed to vote and today, many of those groups are now allowed to vote
Put the following three groups in the order in which they are most likely to vote (starting with the one with the highest rate of voter turnout): middle-aged, old, young
old, middle-aged, young
The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. As a result, the 19th Amendment ___________________ women. The poll tax and the literacy test prevented a lot of African American men from voting after the 15th Amendment had given them the right to vote. As a result, the poll tax and the literacy test ___________________ African American men.
enfranchised; disenfranchised
Put the following four groups in the order in which they are most likely to vote (starting with the one with the highest rate of voter turnout): people with Master’s degrees, people with high school diplomas, people who did not complete high school, people with Bachelor’s degrees
people with Master’s degrees, people with Bachelor’s degrees, people with high school diplomas, people who did not complete high school
If the size of the U.S. electorate was 100%, what would be the impact of that?
everyone in the U.S. would be able to vote (even babies)
Put the following three groups in the order in which they are most likely to vote (starting with the one with the highest rate of voter turnout): the middle class, the poor, the rich
the rich, the middle class, the poor
Name the two demographic variables that are the best predictors of voter turnout.
age and education
How did federalism help contribute to the small size of the electorate earlier in U.S. history?
because the U.S. has federalism, the states have certain powers. One of the powers that the states have is to determine qualifications for voting. Throughout U.S. history, many states have prevented some groups from voting in their states. This has made the electorate smaller
Put the following four groups in the order in which they are most likely to vote (starting with the one with the highest rate of voter turnout): Asian people, Black people, Latinos, White people
White people, Black people, Latinos, Asian people
List 5 of the reasons that help explain why voter turnout is low in the U.S. (that are in your notes).
must have listed 5 of the following: many families do not teach their children that voting is important through political socialization (if one’s family does not teach him/her that voting is important, then he/she is less likely to vote), voter apathy is high in the U.S. (many people don’t care about the government or political issues), voter efficacy is low in the U.S. (a lot people in the U.S. do not think that their voter matters), a lot of people in the U.S. distrust the government and think it is corrupt and don’t want to participate in it, some people claim that requiring voters to register to vote before an election reduces voter turnout (some people, who might have voted in an election, are not able to because they did not register to vote before the election), a lot of people claim that voting is too much of a hassle (Election day is always held on a Tuesday and most people have to work that day and there are frequently lines to wait in before voting)
The U.S. Government decided that the __________________________ did not apply to Native Americans. As a result, they did not become U.S. citizens until the _____________________________ was passed.
14th Amendment; Indian Citizenship Act