How many functions of political parties are there?
What is system the US uses that favors two major parties called?
A Bipartisan system
What is the acronym that we use to remember strategies for evaluating news and campaign ads?
True or false, it doesn't take a lot of money to run for president.
Which amendment gave African Americans the right to vote?
the 15th
What is the acronym that we use to remember the functions of political parties?
How many similarities are there between the two main political parties?
What is the acronym that we use to remember the functions of the media in elections?
What is a PAC?
A Political Action Committee
Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
the 19th
If the Republican party sends out a flyer informing voters about their candidate, Donald Trump, which function of a political party are the filling?
Educate the voters
Name the three reasons why third parties are important even though they rarely win elections.
1. They introduce new ideas, 2. They take away votes from the two main political parties, 3. They often revolve around a political figure (like Teddy Roosevelt).
Name the strategies for evaluating news and campaign ads.
Identify propaganda
Detect bias
Evaluate sources
Separate fact from opinion
Political candidates can get money from...
(3 places)
Interest groups
PACs (and super PACs)
Which amendment got rid of poll taxes?
the 24th
Name the functions of a political party.
What is a party's platform?
The goals, ideas, and beliefs of that party.
Name the functions of the media in elections.
True or false, individuals can give infinite amounts of money directly to a candidate, but companies giving money through super PACs are limited.
False. Individuals are limited in how much they can give, but companies can give however much money they want to super PACs
Which amendment gave residents of DC the right to vote?
the 23rd
If the democratic party nominates Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate, which function of a political party are the filling?
Name the similarities between political parties.
They want to win the election, They influence public policies, They reflect liberal or conservative points of view, and They try to get the most votes by appealing to the political center.
If a news station shows the presidential debate, which function of the media is it completing?
Broadcast different points of view on a topic
What supreme court case in 2010 decided about how much individuals and companies can give to political candidates?
United Citizens v. Federal Electoral Commission
Which amendment lowered the voting age to 18?
BONUS: Which document eliminated literacy tests? (hint: it's NOT an amendment)
the 26th
BONUS: The voting rights act of 1965