Freedom of Speech
Raking Muck!
To Prop it Up
Pushing Policy

He and william O. douglas were champions of the belief that the First amendment meant exactly what is says.

Who is Hugo Black?


Political Cartoons are said to have begun as early as the 16th century and leonardo Di Vinci, but this church reformer is credited with the first actual use of cartoons to make a political point.

Who is Martin Luther?


He said, "Send me the pictures, I'll give you a war!"

Who is William randolph Hearst?


The World War II movie series "Why We Fight" was created at the request of General George C. Marshall by this Hollywood Director.

Who is Frank Capra?


Former Secretary of State James Baker said of this - "the one thing it does , is to force policy makers to have a policy position."

What is the CNN effect?


The Bill of Rights, which includes provisions for free speech and freedom of the press, was were written by this university name sake.

Who is James Madison?


His disjointed snake was aimed at bringing the colonies together against the Iroquois at the Albany Conference of 17754.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


His rivalry with Hearst was based on newspaper sales, but a pang of conscientiousness lead to the creation of a distinguished journalism prize named after him.

Who is Joseph Pulitzer?


The strategy of showing the products best features; telling half-truths and emitting or lying about its potential problems is this type of propaganda.

What is card stacking?


walter Lippmann was referring to this when he said - "The press and media do not reflect reality; they filter and shape it."

What is agenda setting?


Supporters of this approach to interpreting the First Amendment believe that in every case courts should weigh the individuals interest in free expression against the governments interest in restricting the speech in question.

What is the Balancing Approach?


A German immigrant his innovative editorializing through political cartoons, brought down a corrupt city machine and earned him the nickname of "father of American Political Cartoons".

Who is Thomas Nast?


Cartoonist Richard Outcault created this comic strip character that lent its name to Yellow journalism.

What is the Yellow Kid?


Between 1942 and 1945, this Hollywood luminary was involved in the production of propaganda for the US and Canadian governments.

Who is Walt Disney?


When the media paints a story the way they want it to be seen or heard, they are said to be doing this to the story.

What is framing?


The issue of freedom of speech began began long before the American Revolution when this landmark case developed common law protection for free speech.

What is the Peter Zenger Case?


Cartoonist such as Herblock often used this technique to convey their messages through representational pictures such as flags or landmarks.

What is Symbolism?


The Spanish - American war is often referred to as the first war due to sensationalized journalism that saw reporters on the front lines.

What is a media war?


The effects of the media's messages are immediate and powerful, capable of causing significant behavioral change in humans is referred to as this type of propaganda theory.

What is Hypodermic Needle Theory?


When President Trump conducts rallies through out the country to push his programs or policy, he is said to be doing this.

What is Going Public?


Constant “free” media coverage of a “comedic non-campaign” and unlimited freedom of speech made him the nominee.

Who is Donald Trump?


A diplomatic ploy often used by the Chinese in which an offer is made but suddenly and without reason is removed is named for a character and popular sport in this 1982 comic strip.

What is Lucy and the Football?


The deliberate, systematic attempt to do this by manipulating cognitions, and directing behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of a propagandist is said to be this.

What is Shaping Perceptions?


This is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself.

What is Propaganda?


While the term could be applied to many historical interactions between journalists and military personnel, it first came to be used in the media coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

What is embedded journalism?
