A New Nation
All the Presidents Stuff
Cases and Treaties

The first two presidents were Washington and Adams, these next three presidents came before Adams's son John Quincy Adams. 

Who are Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe? 


In 1803 Thomas Jefferson and Congress approved the purchase of this territory from the French and Native Americans.

What is the Louisiana Territory?


Before becoming president, this man, known as 'Ol Hickory, marched into Florida with more than 3,000 soldiers to conquer it and became its first governor. He was also a war hero after winning the Battle of New Orleans in 1815.

Who is Andrew Jackson?


This was a network of African American and white abolitionists who secretly helped enslaved African Americans escape to freedom in the North or Canada

What is the Underground Railroad

From Thomas Jefferson to James Polk, American politicians and many citizens believed in Manifest Destiny. In 1848, the Mexican-American war ended with this treaty that forced Mexico to sell its territory to the US for $15 million.

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo


While Thomas Jefferson and the anti-federalist republicans wanted a weak federal government this politician and his group advocated for a strong government and national bank. 

Who is Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists?


This pair's expedition to chart Louisiana Territory started in St. Louis, Missouri. With a little help from this Lemhi Shoshone 16-year-old, they reached the west coast of North America.

Who are Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea? 


This book by Harriet Beecher Stowe, who Lincolcn called the "little lady that started this big war," shocked many Americans into supporting anit-slavery causes.

Uncle Tom's Cabin


This "ism" captures how groups were loyal to their state or area rather than the country as a whole. The North, South, and West all would spend the much of the 19th century fighting for the issues that were important to them, namely slavery.

What is sectionalism? 


In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that this man couldn't even sue because he is not a citizen; he is property. This reversed the Missouri Compromise. The court's decision furthered tensions between the North and the South.

Who is Dred Scott? 


The Industrial Revolution and Market Revolution started in this region of the United States in the early 1800s with busy factories and whirring machinery.

What is the Northeast?


In 1820, headed by Henry Clay, Congress drew an imaginary line extending the southern border of the territory that sits at latitude 36*30'N. Slavery was permitted in the Louisiana Territory south of that line.

What is The Missouri Compromise?


This famous Doctrine named after a president was a in 1823 declared the US wouldn't interfere in the affairs of European nations unless they messed with the newly independent nations of Latin America.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


This Shawnee chief and hero to American Indians was killed in 1813 defending his people's land.

Who is Tecumsah?


Spain was busy with its colonies and South America and with the signing of this treaty agreed to give Florida to the United States for $5 million.

What is the Adams-Onis Treaty.


Canals, steamboats, railroads, printing press, post office, and this communication technology that connected people across the nation ushered in a faster way of life in the 19th century. 

What is the telegraph?


During Jackson's Presidency, this Act was passed in 1830 that forced Native American tribes to move to the land west of the Mississippi. The infamous journey taken by Cherokees that followed was called this. (Two Answers, Please).

What are the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears?


After the assassination of Abraham Lincoln the promises of a new more just country were beaten down by this racist president who inherited the office. 

Who is Andrew Johnson?


The 1820s and 1830s saw workers banding together for better working conditions and pay. Cities were ideal for these because it was easy for workers to spread the word and band together. They demanded shorter workdays, high wages, and better working conditions. They used strikes to get these concerns addressed.

What are trade unions?


This 1803 case set the precedent for Judicial Review and federal over state power of the Supreme Court.

Marbury v. Madison (1803)


As a result of the Great Awakening there was a demand to change how Americans and the government treated debtors, the mentally ill, and the physically disabled. In addition, there was a push to ban alcohol, reform schools, and abolish slavery. This new era of social and political change from 1815-1860 is called.

What is the Reform Era?


The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 stated that settlers living in each territory would decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty (popular vote: white men). However, outsiders snuck over the border to vote and or start trouble and kill people. This time is referred to as this. 

What is "bleeding Kansas?"


President Grover Cleveland was president during this landmark Supreme Court case in 1896 ruled that segregation was legal as long as facilities for African Americans and whites were equal.

Plessy v. Ferguson


In the summer of 1848, 200 women and 40 men attended this Convention. This convention was meant to draw attention to the problems women faced. They demanded equality for women at work, at school, and church.

What is the Seneca Falls Convention?


In this case, the Supreme Court upheld the power of the federal government to regulate trade between the states. They ruled a state could only regulate trade within its borders, helping to secure an open network of free trade across the nation.

What is Gibbons v. Ogden?
