What is long, yellow and comes from a palm?
A banana
Where was our first family vacation?
Finish off the sentence Yehuda
Which supper do I make the most often?
What time does Totty get up every morning?
What is big, round, green outside, red inside
keys, pocket book, coffee
What was Matisyahu before the story of Chanukah?
The Cohen Gadol
What are 2 side dishes that I usually make?
roasted sweet potatoes and rice
Name 2 of Batsheva's Friends
Batsheva Amsel and Ella Egert
Can you name 4 fruits?
Apple, pear, watermelon, lemon, lime, banana, melon, oranges
Who calls Mommy/Totty the most when we are NOT home?
What does the shamash mean?
Name 4 kugels that I make
butternut squash, yapchik,broccoli,and zucchini
What are 2 things Gitty is always busy with
Homework and her hair
It is an animal, it has wings but it can't fly
How old was Mommy when Pinchas was born?
True or False
There was pure oil in the Beis Hamikdash in the story of chanuka.
False, it was impure
What are 3 different shnitzel recipes that I make
Poppers, American bread crumbs, Corn flake crumbs
Who asks for money the most?
What is the difference between fruits and vegetables?
Fruits: Grow in trees
Vegetables: Grow in the ground
What does Chaim always ask Mommy?
Can I check the score
What do we add in davening on Chanuka? Why?
Al Hanissim and Hallel to thank Hashem for the miracles.
Name 5 suppers that I make
poppers, chicken lomein, chicken and potatoes, meatballs, minute steak
When is our wedding date?
February 27