The non-liquid waste that comes from homes, institutions, and small businesses is called -------------
Municipal solid waste
The reduction in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water is called -----------------------------------------
Oxygen Depletion
Define primary air pollutant --------------------------
give an example ---------------------------------------
Pollutants that are put directly into the air by humans.
Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide, Volatile Organic Compounds, Particulate Matter, Lead, and Mercury
How does oil form?
Oil is formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
List one advantage and one disadvantage of solar energy.
Advantage -----------------------------------------------
Disadvantage -------------------------------------------
Advantage: The most abundant energy source available
Disadvantage: Dependent on sunny weather
The burning of municipal solid waste in large furnaces is called ----------------------
The overabundance of nutrients in the ecosystem that might cause algal bloom is called -----------------------
Artificial Eutrophication
Define secondary air pollutants -----------------------
Give an example ---------------------------------------
Pollutants are formed when a primary pollutant comes into contact with other primary pollutants or even naturally occurring substances like water vapor.
Ozone (Ground Level Ozone), Smog, Acid Precipitation
How does coal form?
Coal is formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago in swampy forests.
What does it mean when an energy resource is said to be "renewable"?
Energy sources that take millions of years to form and cannot be regenerated in a short period of time.
List two disadvantages of landfills
1. Methane gas emission
2. leachate might contaminate soil and water sources.
Pollution that is discharged from a single source, such as a factory, wastewater treatment plant, or an oil tanker is called --------------------------------------
Give an example ------------------------------------
Point pollution
oil spills
----------- is a colorless, odorless gas
Binds with hemoglobin in the bloodstream.
It causes dizziness, shortness of breath, and death.
Carbon monoxide
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of fossil fuels:
Advantage --------------------------------------------
Disadvantage -----------------------------------------
Economical to produce(not expensive)
Carbon dioxide emissions
List one advantage and one disadvantage of hydropower energy.
Advantage -----------------------------------------------
Disadvantage -------------------------------------------
Advantage: No emissions
Disadvantage: Can change the environment
Piles of municipal garbage left in empty lots and other exposed places are called -----------------------
Open dumps
Pollution that comes from many sources rather than from a single specific site is called ----------------------
Give an example ----------------------------------------
Non-point pollution
urban runoff
agricultural runoff
Solid or liquid particles that are suspended in the air.
A primary air pollutant
Particulate matter
What does it mean when an energy resource is said to be "non-renewable"?
Resources can be replenished at a comparable rate to the rate of consumption.
Give three examples of renewable energy resources:
1. -----------
2. -----------
3. -----------
Solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, ethanol, and tidal
List one advantage and one drawback of recycling.
Less expensive than producing new raw materials.
Reduces space needed for landfills
Drawbacks include the high costs of sorting the material.
Biological Magnification is -------------------------------
The increase in concentration of pollutants in the bodies of living organisms at the top of the food pyramid.
A heavy metal element that is found naturally in coal, rocks, and oil.
Give three examples of non-renewable energy resources
oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear power
List one advantage and one disadvantage of wind energy.
Advantage -----------------------------------------------
Disadvantage -------------------------------------------
Advantage: No emissions
Disadvantage: Output is proportional to wind speed
(it depends on the wind speed)