Air Pollution
Solid waste
Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
Hazardous chemicals in the environment
Water Pollution
What is Air Pollution and how does it occur?
Definition: the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects. Occurs when harmful substances including particulates and biological molecules are introduced into Earth's atmosphere
What is solid waste?
is a waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public a.k.a(garbage;plastics and glass)
What are the Top 3 worst Environmental Impacts?
Fossil fuels—coal, oil, Natural Gases and Renewable Energy
What are four Hazardous chemicals?
Ignitability: something flammable. Corrosivity: something that can rust or decompose Reactivity:something explosive. Toxicity:or something poisonous.
It is a natural nutrient enrichment of a shallow lake, estuary, or slow-moving stream?
There are two ways pollution can enter the air. What is Point source pollution and Non-point source pollution?
Point source pollution is: when the air pollutants come from a single source of origin, such as smokestacks at a single factory. Non-point source pollution: is when the air pollutants come from many sources, such as all of the cars
What are five types of Solid wastes?
household waste, construction and demolition debris, sanitation residue, and waste from streets
what causes Climate change and what type of life does it affect the most on earth?
Climate change is caused by burning of fossil fuels and effect the animals environment
What are two Hazardous treatments?
Incineration and oxidation(Redox)
An excessive input of plant nutrients (fertilizers) to a lake caused by human activity?
Cultural Eutrophication
What are the six types of air Pollutants?
Carbon monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone and Particles of Sulfur dioxide
What do the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) mean?
Reduce means:make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size Reuse:use again or more than once Recycle:convert (waste) into reusable material
What are the three simple chronic affects?
Radiation, delayed effects and death within hours
What should you do instead of throwing batteries in your trash?
take them to a collection event or a permanent center
Any change in water quality that can harm living organisms or make the water unfit for human uses.Is what?
Water pollution
Air Pollution Control Act was the first U.S federal legislation that pertained to air pollution in what date? and What was the first federal legislation to actually pertain to "controlling" air pollution?
1955 and first legislation to pertain was the clean air act of 1963
When solid waste gets burned what does it release and does it affect the atmosphere?
solid waste pumps carbon dioxide, mercury and acid into the atmosphere. These chemicals damage the environment
What are four types of hazardous complications?
Chemical Physical (mechanical, etc.) Biological Psychosocial
What is the U.S estimated percentage in recycling?
34.3 percent recycling rate
When was the Date of the first Federal Water Pollution and What was it known as in what date?
The first Federal water Pollution was in 1948 and was known as The clean water act in 1972
What is Bio-remediation and how does it help the environment?
is the use of living organisms for the recovery/cleaning up of a contaminated medium (soil, sediment, air and water). "Remediation" means to solve a problem and "bio-remediation" means to use biological organisms to solve an environmental problem such as contaminated soil or groundwater
What are the top six respiratory diseases that solid waste effect humans?
Asthma, Leukemia, Lymphoma,Pneumonia, rhinitis, conjunctivitis
What are five types of human activity that cause Earthquakes?
Groundwater extraction, Geothermal power plants, Fracking and injection wells, Skyscrapers, Overenthusiastic Sport Fans that rumble there feet and scream so loud near a seismometer can cause an earthquake
What is economic development impacts?
Economic impacts are the effects a project or policy has on the economy of a designated project area, measured in terms of the change in business sales, jobs, value added, income,or tax revenue
What is the process of sewage treatment in order to help the environment?
It removes contaminants from wastewater, primarily from household sewage. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove these contaminants and produce environmentally safer treated wastewater