When did England's King Edward I threaten people in London with harsh penalties if they didn't stop burning coal to heat their homes?
C) 1200s
What was the main reason the Cuyahoga River was heavily polluted by the 1870s?
A)it was used for fishing by local communities.
B)it was a major transportation route for ships.
C)it was used as an sewer and dump site by Factories
C) it was used as an sewer and dump site by factories
Where does water pollution come from?
Water pollution comes from human activities
The smog and soot caused by these factories had a serious impact on the heath of _______ ______ ______.
people living nearby
What did factories begin using a lot in the late 1700s and early 1800s?
What significant event happened in January 1970 following the Cuyahoga River on fire?
The Environmental Protection Agency was established.
What does (ENS) stand for?
Environmental News Service (ENS)
The introduction of harmful _______ __ _______ into the environment.
The introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment
What was one of the main causes of acid rain
A)Factories releasing sulfur and nitrogen
B)Factories producing too much noise
C)Factories dumping trash in rivers
A)Factories releasing sulfur and nitrogen
What event in 1969 highlighted the severity of industrial water pollution in the U.S?
The Cuyahoga river caught fire due to chemical waste
What was one of the main goals of the 100 million program approved by voters in 1968?
A)to improve the city's sewer system
B)So that the fish could survive
C)to build new factories
A) to improve the city's sewer system
Out of this movement came events like Earth Day, and legislative victories like the____ _____ _____ 1970 and the _____ ______ ____1972
hint: it's a clean clean act
Out of this movement came events like Earth Day, and legislative victories like the Clean Air act of 1970 and the Clean Water act of 1972
What was the leading cause of air pollution in the United States today?
B) Motor vehicles
B)motor vehicles
What was the purpose of the Clean Water Act passed by Congress in 1972?
To reduce water pollution
when was acid rain first discovered?
It was first discovered in the 1850s
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sewage system
Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the ________ ________ which leads to global warming.
greenhouse effect
When did the U.S. Congress pass the Clean Air Act?
Fill in the blank: The Cuyahoga River was prime real estate for various ___________ _________.
manufacturing companies.
What led to diseases such as cholera and typhoid?
For centuries, humans contaminated sources of drinking water with raw sewage, which led to diseases such as cholera and typhoid.
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environmental degradation
A period in history, during the 18th and 19th centuries, when many new machines were invented and factories were built, changing the ______ ______ ______ ______.
way goods were produced.