The Constitution and the Founding
Civil liberties and Civil rights
The parties
Guess who (Despot edition)

This group wanted a strong national government and urged ratification of the Constitution

Who were the Federalists?


Fill in the blank: “The current situation regarding the dual legal status of _______is at best an unstable equilibrium" (Kamin).

What is marijuana?


The 8th amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment is an example of a Civil ______

What is liberty?


True or False: In the United States, voters pick the party candidates who will run in the general election, while in most European Parliamentary democracies, the parties choose the candidates who will run in the general election

What is true?


This is the principle that, as a way to limit government, its powers should be divided among separate branches, each of which also shares in the power of the others as a means of checking and balancing them

What is separation of powers?


The CIA found a wealth of content on this extremist Nepo baby's hard drive after his death, which included Yoshi's Island DS, Super Mario Brothers, Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Ball Z, Counter Strike, and Half Life. He also had the movie Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and 10 documentaries about himself.


Who is Osama Bin Laden?


This is the name given to the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, which contain individual rights that the government cannot encroach upon

What is the Bill of Rights?


In this type of system, sovereignty is vested entirely in subnational (state) governments. This was the U.S. system under the Articles of Confederation

What is a Confederacy?


The Voting Rights Act, which prohibits attempts by states to disenfranchise certain voters, is an example of ______

What is civil rights legislation?


This process occurs when there is a major coalitional change that disrupts and reconfigures the current party landscape. It has happened 4 times in U.S. political history

What is party realignment?


This is an example of one of the most egregious civil liberties violations in American history

What is Japanese internment?


This war criminal is such a big fan of ABBA that he held a private concert in his residence by the ABBA cover band Bjorn again. They played a 15 song set which included the hits 'Waterloo,' 'Gimme Gimme Gimme,' and 'Dancing Queen.'

Who is Vladimir Putin?


This compromise created a House of Representatives with seats apportioned by population and a Senate where each state has 2 Senators

What is the Connecticut compromise?


Name a policy area typically under the purview of the states

What is education, criminal justice, infrastructure, voting laws, healthcare, etc?


This classic text makes the case for civil disobedience as a tool to achieve civil rights.

What is MLK's "Letter from a Birmingham jail"?


That the Supreme Court ruled that corporations have 1st amendment free speech rights had major implications for this

What is campaign finance/election spending?


This is the public's reaction to specific and immediate policies and problems

What is public opinion?


This lovesick tyrant once played Condoleeza Rice a video montage of herself accompanied by an original song called 'African flower in the White House.' After his death in 2011, photo albums of Rice were found in his residence, which she called 'Quite extraordinary, weird, and creepy.'

Who is Muammar Gaddafi?


Under the Articles of Confederation, the Continental Congress could not do either of these things, which proved problematic

What is levy taxes and regulate interstate commerce?


At the heart of debates over the proper role of the federal government is this amendment: "The powers not delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states.”

What is the 10th amendment?


The concept of civil rights is rooted in this Constitutional amendment

What is the 14th amendment?


The process wherein liberals came to identify as Democrats and conservatives came to identify as Republicans is called this

What is sorting?


This is a tradition of excluding large segments of the population from participation in the political system despite espousing universal language of equality, liberty, and freedom

What is Ascriptive Americanism/inegalitarianism?


A big fan of Raisin Bran Crunch, when this fearsome dictator was served Fruit Loops while in detention, his jailer reported it was one of the only times he saw him 'look defeated.'

Who is Saddam Hussein?


This was the only group that was initially allowed to vote when the Constitution was ratified in 1788

Who were white landowning men over 21?


This aspect of American federalism today incentivizes states to conform to the federal government’s policy preferences, allowing them greater influence over state policy

What is the grant in aid system?


This is the process through which certain rights (ex. freedom of speech) contained in the Bill of Rights became applicable through the 14th Amendment to actions by the state governments

What is incorporation?


This is arguably the key reason that the U.S. has a two-party system

What is the system of single representation?


These are the 4 core ideals/principles that make up the 'American creed'

What is liberty, equality, individualism, and self-government?


This father/son duo of mutual insanity can really knock them back. The now deceased elder reportedly spent 1 million per year on Hennessy (his favorite liquor), while his son once bragged that he drank 10 bottles of Bordeaux in a single night.

Who are Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un?
