The Constitution
The Judiciary
The Presidency
Exec. Bureaucracy
Foreign Policy
Civil Liberties
Party Politics and Voting
The Media

The Constitution sought to replace this document.

What is the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union?


The Connecticut Plan/Compromise established this.

Bicameral legislature, with an upper house given two representatives per state, and the lower house's numbers determined by population. The proportion becomes complicated now though.


Hamilton described this branch as the _____ dangerous branch.



Before direct election (with the Electoral College), the president was chosen by and expected to be accountable to whom.

The states/state legislatures.


The President appoints these members who must be confirmed in the Senate to help in executive decision-making processes.

Members of the Cabinet/Leaders among Bureaucratic offices


The use or threat of military force is an example of this.

Hard power


True or False: Rights not explicitly outlined in the Bill of Rights are not rights that we have.

False, the Bill of Rights is not designed to deprive people of rights they naturally have.


This group is the least likely to vote in local, state, and national elections.

The young.


Belgium, Turkey, and Australia have higher turnout rates for voting because of this.

Compulsory voting laws (holiday).


This term refers to a group of workers who organize and act together to improve their working conditions.

A union.


An effective form of news coverage that allows viewers to hear about politics from an entertaining angle (like the Tonight Show, or Last Week Tonight).

Soft news.


Name one of the problems posed by the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

What are: the federal government couldn't collect taxes/pay its bills, it couldn't raise an army, it couldn't regulate commerce


Gerrymandering is partially named after a salamander and refers to this process

The redrawing of district lines to favor a particular candidate/party.


Marbury v. Madison established this principle.

Judicial Review


Taking to Twitter is a form of this kind of politics that Presidents engage in to garner more support.

What is "Going public?"

The United States utilizes this system in order to hire bureaucrats in the lower levels of government that prioritizes those best-suited to the position.

What is the merit-based system?


A country that limits trade within its borders, charges high tariffs for the few goods it allows in, or disengages from international politics is said to be engaging in this type of foreign policy.

What is Isolationism?


The fifth amendment protects against "this" EXCEPT when tried at a different level of government, or in civil or criminal court.

Double jeopardy.


This group is most likely to vote in local, state, and national elections.

The elderly.


The invention of this (home-based) technology led to politicians focusing increasingly more on reaching out and connecting with citizens and voters in deeper ways.



The legal term stripping married women of their separate legal identities from their husbands.

Coverture. +200 for additional rights they lost in this process.


Video and print news posted to the Internet or social media by citizens, rather than the news media, is referred to as what?

Citizen journalism


Those who wrote in support of ratifying the Constitution are known as this

What are the Federalists?


Spending bills must originate in which part of Congress?

Bonus points: Why?

House of Representatives


A dual court system refers to this.

Separation between state and federal courts with exceptions of major issues and questions of constitutionality.

States: trial, appellate, state Supreme courts

Federal: district, circuit court of appeals, SCOTUS


This Article of the Constitution lists the duties and responsibilities of the President.

Article II


This group is closest in influence and loyalty to the president

The Executive Office of the President


The use of diplomacy is considered this kind of foreign policy approach.

What is soft power?


Congress and states cannot create or promote a state-sponsored religion, also known as this clause.

The Establishment Clause


The Fifteenth Amendment states that you cannot be denied the right to vote based on previous condition of servitude, but what is the exception to this? 

Felony convictions, active jail time (except in a few states). 


Malcolm X advocated for a philosophy that focused on black Americans having economic, social, and political control over their own communities, also known as this.

Black Nationalism.


Why were women able to vote early, in many states, on matters involving liquor licenses, schools, and municipal matters?

Stereotypes surrounding their morality and concern for children.


The term used to describe a local station that broadcasts national network programming.

What is an affiliate?


Federalist 51 justifies this provision in the Constitution

What are checks and balances (be able to explain why this is a good thing and what argument is made)?


Name a check the legislative branch has over each of the other branches. 300pts for each correct check.

On Executive: override a veto; confirm appointments; can defund programs P wants; can adjust laws to limit scope of power.

On Judicial: can write new laws to counteract decisions; can refuse to fund towards enforcement; could pass laws limiting reach.


List some of the checks the judicial branch has on other branches.

Judicial review, claiming an act as unconstitutional, imparting a decision that holds the weight of law.


This house of the legislature has the power to remove a President from office.



This office is responsible for drafting the President's budget.

Office of Management and Budget.


In opposition to isolationism, a policy approach that advocates that the US be active in global affairs because of a belief that liberal democracies must take the lead in creating a peaceful world (critically: this is usually in its image) is called this.

Liberal internationalism


Congress and states cannot prohibit you from the free practice (or lack thereof) of any particular religion (with some restrictions).

The Free Exercise Clause


True or False: The most accurate way to tell how many people voted in an election is to look at the voting-eligible population (VEP) numbers.

False: while all metrics are a bit hard to gauge, registered voters are the group to look at in determining overall voter turnout.


Martin Luther King's approach to protest in the United States was peaceful and referred to as what? It was the act of intentionally breaking laws that you believed were unjust, to draw attention to that injustice, while fully accepting the punishment (usually jail) of breaking those laws.

Civil disobedience.


What were some tactics used by the National Woman's Party (NWP) that made them more radical than other women's groups at the time? 

They picketed outside the White House and, once arrested, went on hunger strikes. 


Investigations of corruption and other problems in government or business are known by this name because of their effect of dragging up hidden information.



While drawn from a variety of early thinkers, this individual was perhaps most influential to the 'founders.'

John Locke


When politicians don't want to enter into a treaty, the President and Congress can come together to sign this. It only needs a simple majority in both chambers rather than 2/3rds in the Senate

Congressional-executive Agreements


List at least one avenue for the Supreme Court to hear a case.

Bonus points for each additional avenue.

Question arises of a clear constitutional issue, the question is already a part of the court's original jurisdiction.


Describe characteristics of executive orders.

Hold force of law, can be overturned by later presidents or determined unconstitutional by the courts, or undone by a change in policy through the legislative branch.


Describe how Presidents deal with the problems surrounding achieving their policy goals.

Negotiating with Congress for solutions; negotiating with Cabinet and agency heads; "going public"; EOP czars.

What are the four goals of foreign policy as stated in your textbook. 400pts for listing all four; additional 400pts for a brief explanation.

Protection of US and its citizens

Maintaining access to key resources and markets

Preserving the balance of power throughout the world

Protecting human rights and democracy


Citizens United (2010) established that free speech extended to donations by these entities. 



This term refers to the candidate that typically has the highest chance of winning an election.



This federal statute requires public agencies to provide certain forms of information requested by citizens.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). 


Name some ways (at least two) that Native Americans were repressed by the government.

Trail of Tears, Dawes Severalty Act (if you assimilated you would be given citizenship and land), Curtis Act (allowed any tribal land not allotted to an individual to be sold to ranchers). 


True or False: Media coverage has led to more women running for political office than ever.



Explain the concerns expressed by the Antifederalists (Brutus and Federal Farmer)

Points for one correct answer, additional 500 for each additional answer.

The 3/5s compromise was an abomination, the federal government would collect way too much power over sword and purse and become tyrannical, too much power by the rich and elite over the poor, without a Bill of Rights personal liberties would be at stake, states could be limited by the government.


List and explain the three models of representation

Points for listing the three, additional points for each explanation.

1. Delegate

2. Trustee

3. Politico


An approach to interpreting the Constitution that prefers to maintain the status quo and refer back to prior decisions is referred to as.... 

What is judicial restraint?



The Electoral College distributes delegates in a winner-take-all-system except in these two states.

Nebraska and Maine


What are the three forms of bureaucracy your textbook discusses?

Points for listing all three; Points for each explanation





What are the different forms an international agreement can take.

Points for listing the three forms, additional points for explaining them

1. Treaty

2. Executive Agreements

2a. Sole-executive agreements

2b. Congressional-executive agreements

Bonus info! US v. Pink: executive agreements are legally equivalent to treaties provided they do not alter federal law


If you object to military intervention in Afghanistan, but no other wars, are you a conscientious objector?

No. +500 for an explanation as to why.


This kind of primary pits all candidates against each other, regardless of party affiliation.

Top-two primary, otherwise known as a jungle primary.



This person argued that ironically, most, if not all white people in the US logically accepted the ideas that all people, including slaves and freed Black people, are deserving of equal rights - despite their behavior to the contrary.

Frederick Douglass


This group organized primarily on college campuses, distributing flyers and supporting other activist groups, in order to promote their vision of a participatory democracy.

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)


Does media more often engage in episodic or thematic framing?

Episodic. +500 for explaining the difference.
