Combine Like Terms
2x2 + 4x - 5 - x2 + 10
What is x2 + 4x + 5
Add the Polynomials
(4x + 9) +(x - 4)
5x + 5
Subtract the polynomials:
(g - 4) - (3g - 6)
-2g + 2
Multiply the Polynomials:
Divide the Polynomials:
(4n + 8) / 2
2n + 4
Combine Like Terms
5a2 - 6a + 3 - a2 + 10a + 2
What is 4a2 + 4a + 5
Add the polynomials:
(-3a - 2) + (7a + 5)
4a + 3
Subtract the polynomials:
(-5h - 2) - (7h +6)
-12h - 8
Multiply the Polynomials:
7x(2x + 2)
14x2 + 14x
Divide the Polynomials:
(16x2 - 12x + 8) / 4
4x2 - 3x + 2
Combine Like Terms
-6a4 + 10x3 + a2 - 10x3 + 4x - 3a2
What is -6a4 - 2a2 + 4x
Add the polynomials:
(x2 +3x + 5) + ( -x2 +6x)
9x + 5
Subtract the polynomials:
(-x2 - 5) - (-3x2 -x -8)
2x2 + x +3
Multiply the Polynomials:
2x2(5x2 + 10x + 11)
10x4 + 20x3 + 22x2
Divide the Polynomials:
(25s3 + 15s) / 5s
5s2 + 3
Combine Like Terms
-10x3y2 + 5xy3 + 7x - 8x3y2 + 3x - xy3
What is -18x3y2 + 4xy3 + 10x
Add the polynomials:
(t2 + 3t3 -3) + (2t2 +7t -2t3)
t3 +3t2 +7t -3
Subtract the Polynomials:
(k2 + 6k3 -4) - (5k3 + 7k -3k2)
k3 + 4k2 -7k -4
Multiply the Polynomials:
6x3y + 9x2y2 + 3x2y
Divide the Polynomials:
(8h5 - 32h4 +16h3) / -8h4
-h + 4 - (2/h)
Combine Like Terms
4x(3x2 - 2x) - 3x2(2x + 5)
What is 6x3 - 23x2
Add the polynomials:
(-1 + x2 + 2x) + (1 -2x + 2x2)
Subtract the Polynomials:
(2x - 3x) - (x2 -2x + 4)
-x2 + x - 4
Multiply the Polynomials:
4cd(d2 - 4d + 3)
4cd3 - 16cd2 +12cd
Divide the Polynomials:
(3x3y + 6x2 y - 9x) / 3x2y
x + 2 - (3/y)