What is the GCF of the polynomial?
Find the GCF of the polynomial?
Factor out the GCF:
10a8 + 20a4 - 70a3
Write an example of a polynomial with 4 terms and degree of 5.
Mrs. Urbina will check it :)
Factor out the GCF:
-54c6 - 36c4 +18c2
-18c2(3c4 + 2c2 -1)
Describe LIKE terms, what two things MUST they have?
1. Same variables
2. Same exponents
Ms. Waters wants to know how many desks can fit in her classroom next year. The length of her classroom is x+5 ft and the width of her classroom is x-4 ft. What is the area of her classroom? Area = lw
x2+x-20 square ft
Write your own polynomial and factor out a GCF
Mrs. Urbina will check :)