The City of Light... oui oui
Paris France
This author wrote Pride and Predjudice
Jane Austen
What goes up and down, but never moves?
A staircase
Aint She Sweet
Ain’t she nice, look her over once or twice,
Now I ask you very confidentially, aint she nice.
Country in which the first fireworks were invented
The capital of Japan
“To be or not to be” is a famous line from this Shakespeare play
What has a heart, that does not beat?
An artichoke
Oh we ain’t got a barrel of money, maybe we’re ragged and funny
but we’ll travel the road sharing our load, side by side
You will primarily only find this animal in Austrailia
Who is Steven King
I Have Cities, But No Buildings,
I Have Forests, But No Trees
I Have Rivers, But No Water
What am I?
A Map
By The Light of The Silvery Moon
Your silvery beams will bring love's dreams
We'll Be Cuddling Soon, By The Silvery Moon
Name the Motor City of North America
From the country Down Under...Canberra is the capital of what?
The “Harry Potter” series was written by this author
J.K. Rowling
I have a Tail and a Head, but No Body.
What am I?
A coin
Pardon me, boy is that the Chattanooga choo choo?
Track twenty-nine boy, you can gimme a shine
Hollywood actor became the governor of California in 2003
Arnold Schwartzeneger
This Canadian city is the countries capital
Where does the story of "The Great Gatsby" take place?
Long Island, New York
I Touch The Earth.... I Touch The Sky.... But if I Touch You, You Will Surely Die. What Am I?
Roll out the barrel we’ll have a barrel of fun,
Roll out the barrel we’ve got the blues on the run
Name the rarest blood type
AB Negative