What is the color of Nonnas new waterbottle?
What is Pink?
Where is the place we want Zio Stevie and Don to buy a house?
What is ITALIA
What ice cream spot used to be near Zia Nadia and Zio Als old house?
What is King Cone ice cream.
How many degrees do the grandkids have combined?
What is 6 (more to come)
At what holiday did the whole family first meet Sandra?
What is Easter.
Where did Nonna work part-time in Italy.
What is her sister's Bakery?
On the last family vaca we took with Nonno, we ate at what restaurant?
What is The Mandarin
What was Nonnos first job when he came to Canada?
What is a bricklayer
Which grandchild was on the dance team?
What is Matteo & Alessandra
What was Nonnos Dads name?
What is Luigi
What is Nonnas middle name?
What is no middle name?
Where was the place Zio Stevie worked when he was 15 years old.
What is 15
Where was Nonnas Mom born?
What is A None Veneto.
What grandchild thought they could swim across the Detroit river?
What is Gemma
What is Dons favourite workout class.
On what days has Nonna been taking workout classes & where?
What is Thursdays in a Church basement?
Where did Nonna and Matteo share a bedroom?
What is the MSC cruise ship
What was Nonno's catch phrase when he would call one of our houses?
What is "who's this"
What grandchild has illegally tinted car windows?
Whats was the first family event Meaghan came to?
Father's Day/Songe's grad party
The night Nonno told Nonna's father he had serious intentions with Nonna, Nonno and Nonna were on their way to where?
What is The movies.
At what occasion did Nonna upgrade Nonna's wedding band?
Nonnas father went to a bar to meet Nonna's ex boyfriend and retrieve what item?
What is a photo of Nonna.
What grandchild attended a math camp.
What is Sabreena (trauma)
In what year was the Fogular founded?