How can you determine what tube size is installed on the pump?
Locate the number on the tubing
Oxidation Reduction Potential testing (ORP) is measured in?
How do you properly clean an electrode?
acid, soapy water, water
This device is responsible for circulating water through the pool’s filtration system to keep it clean.
Pool Pump
This process involves adding a high dose of chlorine to the pool to eliminate bacteria, algae, and chloramines.
pool shocking
You fill this out at the START and at the END of your day.
What are a couple of indications of why the pump isn't able to draw any solution from the tank?
missing clay weight, clogged line
With an incident of diarrhea discharge in a pool, the free available chlorine should be raised to _____ ppm?
20 ppm
Name 3 safety features on an Aquasol Chemical Controller that prevent mishaps in chemical dosing?
pressure switch, dip switch 4, feed limit
This type of filtration system uses a sand-based media to remove debris and particles from the pool water.
Sand Filter
What is Poolsure's golden rule
point of injection is at the chemical injection and after the last valve.
Who do you contact when involved in an accident and what form do you fill out?
Ops manager & Vehicle accident form
Backfeeding could be caused by?
roller assembly not expanded/locked, rollers are worn, injection point pressure too high
The following dimensions: length 40 feet, width 20 feet. The pool bottom slope is constant from the shallow end, which is 3 feet deep, to the deep end, which is 8 feet deep.
What is the total number of gallons in this pool?
33,000 Gallons
What cause(s) our controllers to go into feed limit?
empty drum, clog in bleach line, improper chemistry
This device slowly releases tri-chlor into the pool to maintain proper sanitization, reducing the need for manual chemical dosing.
Tablet feeder
This chemical stabilizer is used in outdoor commercial pools to protect chlorine from UV degradation
What symbol is needed in slack to tag a specific person or department
@ symbol
Stenner pump’s output range can be changed by?
Change feed tube size, Change pump size
The Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) formula is?
How to access the settings 1 & 2 on the XPC?
Passcode 1- 7665 and passcode 2 - site ID backwards
This equipment turns salt into chlorine through a process known as electrolysis.
OSCG system
This chemical is used to lower pH levels in pool water, but when used improperly, it can cause rapid pH fluctuations and lead to corrosion.
These readings are required on every workform
Spin touch readings
what is the approximate gpd for all feed tube sizes 1-5 for a fixed rate 45 & 85?
Bonus Question: Which tubes can handle up to 100 PSI?
Sodium hypochlorite in its commercial form contains (blank) percent available chlorine?
If my mv readings are not responding accurately on the XPC, what should I look for?
Part 2- The ph and orp BNC cables
These devices help maintain balanced pool water by automatically dispensing products like chlorine & Acid
Chemical feeders
This chemical imbalance occurs when the total alkalinity is too low, causing pH levels to fluctuate rapidly and making it harder to maintain balanced pool water
PH Bounce
This procedure is performed before and after completing a tech call
Check in & out at the office