What president went through the impeachment process twice?
Donald Trump
What president was involved in the Watergate Scandal?
Richard Nixon
Which president was assassinated in a theater by a white supremacist?
Abraham Lincoln
Who was the 2nd President?
John Adams
What was the name of the war that allowed the US to break away from England?
American Revolutionary War
What scandal involved burglars breaking into the offices of the Democratic National Committee at an office complex in Washington, DC?
Watergate Scandal
What President was highly disliked because of his false promises to World War I veterans?
Herbert Hoover
Which President was assassinated while in a parade in Dallas, Texas?
John F. Kennedy
Who was the 7th President?
Andrew Jackson
What President assisted in the fall of The Great Depression?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
What President had a child with a women then sent the child to an orphanage and institutionalized the women?
Grover Cleveland
What president was accused of having an affair with a White House intern during his presidency?
Bill Clinton
What President passed away in office, allowing the VP, Harry Truman, to take office?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the 25th President?
William McKinley
Civil Rights Act
What vice president took office after a presidential assassination and opposed freeing the slaves, leading to his impeachment processing?
What President was the first to have dinner with an African American man in the White House?
Teddy Roosevelt
What President was shot in a train station then "treated" by passersby? (Possibly leading to his later death of sepsis)
James Garfield
Who was the 18th President?
Ulysses S. Grant
Dwight D. Eisenhower
What presidential elect was not elected by a majority vote but rather a bargaining with Henry Clay who then backed him?
John Quincy Adams
Who was the shortest President? (There's a Division I university in Harrisonburg, Virginia, named after him.)
James Madison
Who was the 29th President?
Warren Harding
What President purchased New Mexico and California for $15,000,000 from Mexico?
James K. Polk