The painting technique where you want one, flat, even color
Flat Wash
When you take your time and go slow, and make it look the best you can
This is when things represent a certain generation or era
Pop Culture
Art that is influenced by pop culture
Pop Art
This team won the 2021 Super Bowl
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
The painting technique where you go from one color to black
Color to black gradient (or "shade")
When you feel like your brain isn't understanding what you are doing any more while painting, it would be best to do this:
Take a break!
True or false, pop culture differs from country to country
This artist was famous for his Marylin Monroe painting, among many other pop art paintings
Andy Warhol
The app that allows user to create videos up to 1 minute long
Tik Tok
The painting technique where you go from a color to white
Color to white gradient (or tint)
To make sure you are doing your best work, you want to make sure you are NOT doing this:
List 3 "things" that can be apart of an era's pop culture
Any of these: famous people, popular TV shows or movies, popular fashions or trends, popular sayings or phrases, etc.
True or False: This is considered Pop Art
This is the highest grossing video game
The painting technique where you to from one color to another color
Color to color gradient
You want to wash this tool before using a new color.
True or false: Generational trends tend to come back into style 20-30 years later
Pop Art was started in this country:
This athlete was the highest paid in 2020
Rodger Federer (tennis player)
The painting technique where you create a second layer with a really light, transparent, wash
Adding a small amount of what to your paint will allow it to last longer and let your brush strokes be smoother.
True or false: Since something (like a movie) may be apart of a certain era's pop culture, means EVERYONE liked it.
Pop art started after 1945, which was after which war?
World War 2
This band was extremely famous in the 60's and 70's, otherwise known as the "fab 4"
The Beatles