What is the meaning of "bae"?
It refers to a significant other/boyfriend/girlfriend
What kind of dog is this?
Shiba Inu
Name this celebrity:
Karel Gott
Name this person:
Jaromír Jágr
What is the title of the book that Václav Havel most famous for?
Moc bezmocných
What is meaning of "bail"?
It means you're not going to do something, or you will cancel plans.
What is this image in reference of (what video game is it from)?
Super Mario Bros.
Name this song:
Tanči dokud můžeš
Name this person:
Mark Zuckerburg
Who wrote Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí?
Milan Kundera
What is the meaning of "on fleek"?
Looking great
Name this actor:
Václav Neužil
Name the artist:
I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
Lewis Capaldi
What emotion would you use this picture for?
Surprise and/or confusion
Who wrote Proměna?
Franz Kafka
What is the meaning of amped?
Name this person:
Stan Lee
Name the artist
Nik Tendo
In the 2020 Oscars, who won for best actor?
Joaquin Phoenix
What were Ron Weasly twin brothers name?
Fred and George Weasly
What is the meaning of G.O.A.T?
Greatest of all time
What is Wonder Woman's secret identity?
Diana Prince
Name this artist
Pink Floyd
What is the motto/saying of the Czech Republic?
Pravda vítězí
What genre of books is Karel Čapek most well known for?
Science fiction