What year was the first Harry Potter novel written?
What year was Edward Cullen born?
Who is the youngest Disney princess?
Snow White, 14
What is the name of Iron Man’s A.I. butler?
Where does the show take place?
Malibu, California
Which row houses the prophecy about Harry and Lord Voldemort in the House of Prophecy?
Row 97
How did Stephenie Meyer come up with the idea for the "Twilight" books?
A dream
How old is Crush in Finding Nemo?
150 (and still young!)
What type of doctor is Doctor Strange?
A neurosurgeon.
What's the name of Hannah's best friend?
Lilly Truscott
What did Ginny name her pet pygmy puff?
What is the theme of the prom?
Monte Carlo
Disney introduced its first animated openly gay character in which movie?
Which movie kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Iron Man.
When did the first episode of Hannah Montana air?
What is the full name of Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost that frequented Gryffindor corridors?
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington
Who are Jacob`s older sisters?
Rachel and Rebecca
What was the last movie that Walt Disney was able to work on before he died?
The Jungle Book
What landmark does Peter Parker rescue his classmates from in Spider-Man: Homecoming?
Washington Monument
What was Lily's alter ego name?
What were the titles of Dolores Umbridge’s two positions at the Ministry of Magic?
Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic
Head of the Muggle-born Registration Commission
When and Where was Carlisle born?
London, 1640’s
There are two Disney princesses who become royalty after marriage. Who are they?
Cinderella and Belle
What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for?
Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
What is Miley Cyrus's real name?
Destiny Hope Cyrus