What is the purple villain in the Endgame movie?
What city does Batman live in?
Gotham City
How often is Coachella hosted?
Annual (Every Year)
What is Spider-Mans real name?
Peter Parker
What is Superman's Weakness?
What city is known as the "Music City"
Nashville, TN
What is Thor's hammer called?
What is the villain that used complicated challenges for his victims?
The Riddler
What city did Rolling Loud take place?
Miami, FL
What is the most powerful stone that Thanos has, and what does it do?
Mind Stone (Yellow), It Controls Minds
What superhero is both in a TV show and a DC movie?
What does RNB stand for?
Rhythm and Blues
When and Where did Marvel Originate?
1939, NYC
What is Aquaman's suit made out of?
Atlantean steel
What is the most streamed music genre? (Spotify)