what year did van Halen's 'jump' come out
what is the most popular Netflix original series
stranger things
what is the first Mario game
donkey kong
what's the main theme of naruto
name the most popular Disney classic
the lion king
name the most popular band in history
the beatles
what brand owns teenage mutant ninja turtles
what game on the Sega genesis was the most popular
sonic the hedgehog
what's the main theme of one piece
what movie features the stay puff marsh mallow man
ghost busters
who created the song 'stayin' alive'
the bee gees
how many episodes of popeye are there
what year did the Gameboy colour come out
what is bakougo's hero name
king explosion murder
name the best movie from the 1980s
back to the future
how many hit singles did Michael Jackson have
how many episodes of game of thrones are their
what brand owns banjo and kazooie
what anime is commonly refed as anime twilight
sword art online
name the most successful MCU movie of all time
Avengers endgame
who created the parody to Ridin by Chamillionaire ft. Krayzie Bone called white & nerdy
weird al yankovic
name the show that involves police call boxes and time travel
doctor who
what was the most popular icon on the playstation
spyro the dragon
name the most powerful anime character
name the most successful pop culture movie ever
ready player one