If the Cohens order take out chances are there ordering this cuisine
What is chinese food?
On The Middle their last name is....
What is Heck?
Janine was very determined to fix this which led to many more problems
What is a light?
In miraculous lady bug Tiki must eat this food to recharge
What is macaroons?
My favorite singer of all time.....
What is Olivia Rodrigo?
This is summers favorite show
The Valley
Sue was going to change her middle name which is.....
What is Sue?
Jacob teaches this subject
What is history?
Cobra Kai´s motto....
What is strike first, strike hard no mercy
My favorite part of the California trip
What is Warner brothers tour?
When Summer goes to Brown she adopts a rabbit and gives it this name
What is pancakes?
The middle takes place here
What is Indiana?
This teacher runs the garden club
Who is Gregory?
In No Good Nick Liz´s resteraunt is called this
What is Cresendos
My favorite charactor on Gossip girl is....
What is Blair?
Seth knew he was in love with Summer as soon as he heard her read this poem in elementary school which turned out not be hers
What is I wish I was a mermaid?
Sue went out for many sports through the season but the first team she made was .....
What is Cross Country?
Melissa ends up falling with the class pets gunie pig she gives it this name
What is sweet checks?
In Julie and the phantoms what is Julies dad named
What is Ray?
My ultimate no budget dream vacation ( 2 Answers)
Seth, Summer, Marissa, and Ryan attend this high school
What is the harbor school?
Frankie wants Sue to fit in so she buys her a $112 what that later get shrunk in the wash in return Mike bought Axl a car
What is jeans?
This teacher wears a breathing mask when they sleep, while at the aquarium sleep in they were it leading the kids to think there an alien
Who is Barbra?
In Alexa and Katie. Katie needs to make money so she signs up for this online platform where she can do tons of different jobs for cash including looking after a monkey and standing in line for concert tickets
What is Chore cats?
If I were to get another American girl doll it would be this one
What is Julie?