What is the role of the organism or how it makes its living?
1 or 2 in 1000 of these will survive and be part of the population.
What is a sea turtle egg after 1 year of being hatched?
What omni/herbi/carni... vores all have in common.
What is they are consumers?
Get your fix of this, via fixation.
What is free nitrogen is changed into usable nitrogen (by bacteria)?
Going from one change, to another change, to another change, in a predictable way.
What is succession?
Bio and Abio. The difference.
What is biotic are the living factors, but abiotic are the non living factors of a habitat?
Immi_____ and emi_____. The difference.
What is immigrate means you move to _________, and emigrate means you've moved from _________?
These two love the dead stuff.
Who are scavengers and decomposers?
How we affect carbon.
What is we burn/pollute/etc into the atmosphere?
Difference between primary and secondary.
What is primary is when the land is destroyed.... secondary happens when the land is disturbed?
Predation. Predator. Prey. Explain the sequence.
What is predation is when one organism kills another for food... the one that kills is the predator... the one that gets killed is the prey?
How a population can increase.
What is if birth rate is greater than the death rate, the population size increases?
Difference between food chain and food web.
What is a food chain a direct sequence... on possible path, but a food web overlaps and shows multiple paths (page 407)?
Why we even need nitrogen and carbon.
What is they are building blocks of all living things?
The two guys who chew up rocks... NOMZ NOMZ!
What are mosses or lichens (fungi or algae)?
Small to big, going from an organism to the top (4).
What is: organism, population, community, then ecosystem?
A country where the population is shrinking, and why?
What is Japan, and because their birth rate is less than their death rate?
Who is at the top, and who is at the bottom of a energy pyramid.
What is the producers (grass/plants) are at the bottom, and third-level consumers are at the top (lion, barn owl, us)?
The three main parts of the water cycle, and an explanation of each.
What are 1. evaporation... water goes bye-bye into the atmosphere........... 2. condensation... water cools and condenses to form droplets......... 3. precipitation... water falls from the sky?!!?
An example of how we or nature can cause primary AND a second example for secondary succession.
What is are: Primary: volcanic eruption or after a glacier.... Secondary: after a fire, hurricane, tornado?
All three symbiosis and an example of each.
What are: 1. Mutualism... both benefit, like a shark and the remora fish....... 2. Commensalism... at-least one benefits, like a hawk living in the saguaro cactus..... 3. Parasitism... like the cordycep fungus thrive while the ant dies.
All 5 limiting factors for a population, and an explanation of each.