This Slack emoji revolutionized Alan's world whenever he found out what the acronym meant.
What is the name of Spongebob's pet snail?
"PSA - don't ever go into target wearing the red HRT Chinese New Year sweatshirt :lolsob:"
Jackie Liesman
Who is the one person who does not work within the People Operations Team that is in this channel?
Shirel Guez
1. Used sometimes to refer to the rear compartment of a car.
2. ____ scootin' boogie.
"I think this is a cool offering but is it just me that feels that pumpkin spice has gone too far?"
Matt Kreitman
This individual has mentions POps Lunch the most in this channel. (Shout out to them for all the team gatherings!)
Casey Park
Beyoncé released this album on June 24th, 2011.
"Hi Popstars, Gossip ________ here - your one and only source into the posh lives of Camp Day’s elite. Turns out paddling is meant only for +1s - did Sade and Christina recruit Patrick to shuttle them from A to B? Josh is just along for the ride. Hopefully this has a better ending than the Titanic. Time - and these margs - will tell. You know you love me… xoxo"
Joseph Martinez
This person has sent the most messages in this channel.
Kim Martin
1. You could use this to refer to in landscaping.
2. This is something you can trim.
3. Ellen DeGeneres was infamously seen with someone that you could use this word to refer to.
"yesterday my 9 year old nephew asked me why i have pepper spray so i told him i carry it in case any tries to kidnap me, and his response was: 'that would be called boomer-napping, not kidnapping' i almost left him at IKEA to find a new family"
Kara Morrison
#pops-playful was established on this date.
December 16th, 2019
1. Everyone here has used it.
2. This can also be a verb for getting closer or getting farther.
3. For all my Zenon fans: ____ ____ ____ make my heart go...
"Overheard in people ops:
'I just wanted to check if I can vape on the terrace, I know itsays no smoking, but I'm not sure if vaping counts'"
Dani Ortiz