Symbols in Story
Theme Practice
Who is the author of Popularity?

Adam Bagdasarian


What does the reference to being a "stableboy" represent in the story Popularity?

Being at the lowest, most undesirable level of the playground kingdom.


What is theme in a story?

The moral, lesson, or truth that the author is teaching readers.


How many cats does Mr. Stitt have?



Who are the characters of the story in the Popularity? Name 5

Allan Gold, Allan Shipman, Sean Owens, Mitch Brockman and the narrator.


What does the 4 leaf clover represent in the story popularity?

Hope and opportunity to someday be popular.


What are the rules of theme in a story?

1. Cannot be 1 word.

2. Must be in the form of a complete sentence.

3. Must apply to life outside the story in general.


What Marvel superhero dons a black costume and looks like a cat roaming around the nation of Wakanda?

The Black Panther


Where is the setting in the story of Popularity?


What does the walk across the playground represent in the story Popularity?

The author's choice and desire to change and become something new.


What are 5 ways theme develops in a story?

  1. Explicit Statement

  2. Character Heroic Actions
  3. Character Failing Actions
  4. Main Character’s Thoughts & Opinions

  5. Other Character’s Thoughts & Opinions

What scientific concept explains how and why things float in water?



Why do you think young people wanted to be popular?

varied answer


What does Mitch's roast of the narrator represent to the narrator?

An end of life, a falling into obscurity, the end of the world.


What is the theme of this example:

Justin was jealous of his cousin Cassie when she was named valedictorian of her class. "Some people are just born smart," he told himself later as he watched TV on the couch. He had not been with Cassie all those times when she studied late into the night. Justin was also jealous when his cousin Victor was elected class president. "Some people are just more popular than others," Justin told himself as he played video games on the couch. He had not been with Victor while he tirelessly campaigned. Justin never noticed that Victor treated everyone he knew with kindness and respect. When Justin's cousin Matthew became the varsity quarterback, again Justin was envious. "Some people are just more athletic than others," he told himself as he played on his computer. Justin had not been with Matthew while he trained morning and night. Justin had never attended the long weekend practices with Matthew. "One day something lucky will happen to me too," Justin told himself as he snacked on junk food.

Good things don't just happen to you unless you make them happen.


How many college degrees does Mr. Stitt currently have?

2; bachelors & masters


What is the theme in the story of "Popularity"?

Answers may vary. Explain using evidence from the text.


What does the reference to "sinking sand" represent in the story Popularity?

The fact that popularity can and is short lived, and can easily be gained or taken away.


What is the theme in this example:

Grant Grand was a superstar high school athlete from a small town where football was revered. The people of this town placed a high value on victories. So a top performer like Grant was given privileges and exceptions. Grant did not have to struggle his way through rigorous courses in high school. He attended special study sessions with teammates where they mainly studied football. To the surprise of few, Grant was given a full ride to a reputable university based on his athletic prowess. Yet Grant was not prepared for this new experience. He expected the university to make special exceptions for him as his high school had. While he did receive quite a few exceptions, it was not enough to compensate for how underprepared he was. Despite many good faith interventions by the university, Grant failed to get it together. He lost his scholarship, and dropped out after his freshman year.

You can hurt people if you help them too.


What advice would you give to the narrator of the story POPULARITY?

Student answers will vary.
