What will happen? (population)
Multiple Choice
Random Science Trivia

What is: 

The ability to make things move or change? 



data showed that all three populations were stable. 

Then the penguin population decreased suddenly. What will likely happen to the size of the sardine population as a result?


The smaller penguin population will need fewer energy storage molecules, so they will eat fewer sardines. This will lead to fewer deaths than births in the sardine population.


What do birds such as eagles and hawks need energy for?

a. flying

b. breathing

c. digesting food

d. all of the above

D. All of the above 


Whats the human body's largest organ? 



What is: 

All the living and nonliving things in a particular area? 



In a mountain region, tigers eat wild pigs, and wild pigs eat worms. In the last 5 years, the sizes of the populations have been stable, 

but recently the tiger population has increased. What will likely happen to the worm population?


The larger tiger population will lead to fewer wild pigs. The smaller wild pig population will need fewer energy storage molecules to reproduce, so they will eat fewer worms. This will lead to more births than deaths in the worm population.

  1. What do mammals like tigers and zebras need energy for?

a. running

b. breathing

c. digesting food

d. all of the above

D. All of the above 


The first vaccine developed was for which disease? 



What is:

A molecule that organisms can use to release the energy needed to survive

energy storage molecule 


The data showed that all three populations were stable. 

Then the hawk population increased suddenly. 

What will likely happen to the size of the sparrow population as a result?


The larger hawk population will need more energy storage molecules, so they will eat more sparrows. This will lead to more deaths than births in the sparrow population.


A large population of squirrels lives in a forest. In the last 50 years, the size of the squirrel population has stayed the same. What must be true about the squirrel population during the last 50 years?

a. The number of squirrels that were born was the same as the number of squirrels that died.

b. Humans started protecting the squirrel population so they stopped dying.

c. The squirrels did not have any baby squirrels during these years.

d. No squirrels were born and no squirrels died.


The number of squirrels that were born was the same as the number of squirrels that died.


What is the largest animal to have ever existed? 

the blue whale 


What is: 

a population that is eaten by organisms from another population

resource population 


The sizes of the populations have been stable for the last 10 years,

 but recently the size of the aphid population decreased. 

What will likely happen to the anteater population?


Fewer energy storage molecules will be available to the anteater population from the smaller ant population, so the anteater population will reproduce less. This will lead to fewer births than deaths in the anteater population.


A population of sharks lives in the Atlantic Ocean. Over the last 50 years, the size of the shark population increased. What best explains the increase in the size of the shark population?

a. A lot of sharks were born and no sharks died.

b. The shark population is always increasing because no animal eats sharks.

c. More sharks were born than died.

d. Fewer sharks were born than died.

C.  More sharks were born than died.


How many elements are in the periodic table?


What is: 

A population that eats organisms from another population 

consumer population 


The data showed that all three populations were stable. 

Then the grasshopper population decreased suddenly. 

What will likely happen to the size of the rat population as a result?


The smaller grasshopper population provides fewer energy storage molecules for the rat population, so the rat population will reproduce less. This will lead to fewer births than deaths in the rat population.


A population of deer lives in Canada. Over 50 years, the size of the deer population decreased. What best explains the decrease in the size of the deer population?

a. A lot of deer died and no deer were born.

b. Fewer deer were born than died.

c. The deer population is always decreasing because deer are always being eaten.

d. More deer were born than died.

B.  Fewer deer were born than died.


What galaxy is closest to the Milky Way Galaxy? 

The Andromeda Galaxy
