Population Change
Shrinking Populations
Aging Populations
Declining Workforce
The study of population trends focuses on three factors. Births, ______, and _______.
deaths and migration
What is Demography?
The study of human populations, including how they change due to births, deaths, aging and migrants.
What is the main reason for a country's Shrinking Population?
Low birth rate
There are two reasons why a population ages. What are they?
Rise in Life Expectancy and Baby Boom results
The most obvious reason for workforce decline is....
that more workers retire each year than join the workforce.
What is a population pyramid? 

a graph that shows the ages and genders in a population, with the youngest ages at the bottom. 

What is the Dependency Ratio?
A comparison of the number of people too young or old to work with the country's working age population.
Give two reasons for a country's low birth rate.
(1) Women are putting off having children to pursue education or careers (have less children) (2) Family finances
What are the two biggest concerns of an aging population?
Pensions and Health Care
What two problems occur when there is a shrinking workforce?
There will be (1) a shortage of highly skilled workers, (2) business may close or shrink their operations. (3) This leads to less taxes collected by the government (due to less workers working)

What does TFR stand for? What is its meaning?

Total Fertility Rate. The average number of births born to each woman.

What does a low dependency ratio mean?
It means that workers have few dependents to support.
Name three problems caused by a population that has shrunk.
(1) jobs in child related business, care, schools become less (2) future labor shortages (3) Fewer people to serve in military forces - country loses power and influence in the world
Give two ways that a country could deal with rising pension costs?
(1) cut the amount of money each pensioner receives (2) Raise the retirement age which shortens the time they will receive a pension (3) Give bonuses to workers who delay their retirement
What two things might a government do to increase the working aged population in their country?
(1) Allow immigrants to their country (2) Keep older workers working longer or part-time (3) Encourage women to join the workforce
What is meant by a population's Replacement Rate? What is the replacement rate in most developed countries?
The total fertility rate needed for a population to replace itself. In most developed countries the replacement rate is 2
What does the Demographic Transition Model show?
It shows how populations go through transitions, or changes, as a country develops its economy.
Draw a population pyramid whose population is shrinking
It should be very narrow at the base
What are two ways that governments try to reduce health care costs?
Preventing health care problems later in life be offering sound health care benefits when they are in the workforce AND encourage home care instead of nursing home care since it is cheaper
What is one last option for a company that needs skilled workers, but cannot find them in their country? (none of the previous ideas worked)
They might move their company outside of Europe, into another country, where they find skilled laborers and pay lower wages.
Which stage of the Demographic Transition Model is Europe in? (What type of Population growth)
Stage 4 (last stage) - Negative or no population growth
Provide 2 responses to Negative Growth by governments which would encourage women to have more children.
CASH AND BENEFITS (birth bonus, reduces rents, lower taxes, subsidized childcare) and FAMILY FRIENDLY POLICIES (quality childcare, job security, paid leave, flexible work hours)
Draw a population pyramid which is aging
It should be large at the top, or there should be a bulge at ages 50-65
What is the major difference in birth rates of developing and developed countries? What problem might exist if there is a high fertility rate and high life expectancy rate?
Developing countries have a very high fertility rate compared to developed countries. With a high fertility rate and high life expectancy rate, the dependency ratio will be very high.