Within a population, organisms are always being born and dying.
What is always happening to the organisms in a population?
Something stays mostly the same over time.
What is stability?
These two species gather in groups for protection against predators.
What do the Moon Jellies and the Walleye Pollock do in common?
The maximum number of living organisms a region can support for the long term.
What is carrying capacity?
This is when you take a small part of a population of living organisms that represents the whole.
What is sampling a population?
When the amount of things added and being removed are equal.
How is a system stable?
All the living and nonliving things interacting in a particular area.
What is an ecosystem?
These animals either mate and lay eggs, or simply divide themselves in half.
What are the different ways that Zooplankton reproduce?
Some factors are food, water, shelter, disease, and predation.
What are factors that limit carrying capacity?
Ecologists use different kinds of sampling techniques.
How do ecologists get evidence about populations?
When the amount of things that are added or being removed are not equal.
When will a system change?
A group of the same type of organism living in the same area.
What is a population?
They produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.
The number of deaths in a region begin to outnumber births.
What happens when a population exceeds carrying capacity?
This is a type of sampling which involves deploying squares of fixed size on a wreath and counting the number of organisms within that quadrat (square).
What is quadrat sampling?
When the number of births and deaths in a given time are equal.
When will a population size be stable?
A small part that is meant to show what the whole is like.
What is a sample?
Leatherback turtles drag themselves onto a beach and dig a hole into the sand. Then, they produce eggs inside the hole.
How do leatherback turtles reproduce?
This graph has an s-shape.
What does the graph of a carrying capacity look like when the population is growing?
Scientists can get an idea of the average number of living organisms that are in an ecosystem.
How does sampling help scientists?
When there are more births than deaths in a given time.
When will a population increase?
Anything with parts that interact to make a whole.
What is a system?
Humans are the only animals that hunt this species.
What are the only living organism that kill orcas?
The main factors would be shelter, food, climatic conditions, and predation.
What are the main factors that limit a region's carrying capacity for certain organisms?
Trolling is the sampling technique.
What is the sampling technique that allows to capture the number and distribution of organisms?