Community as a Partner

What are the components of a person in the community as a partner model? 

Demography, biological factors, social factors, and cultural factors 


What actions does the CHN take during the analysis process?

Categorize data, summarize the data, compare the data, and draw a logical conclusion from the evidence (inferred elaboration) 
How might the CHN know that a program is progressing as planned?

Think about if the program activities are following the intended plan 


What is Ethics?

Philosophical pursuit originating in an ancient discourse of the definition of "the good"

How does a CHN find resources for communities?

Identifying all the available means for accomplishing a task, including staff and budget as well as physical space and environment 

What are the components of the place/environment in the community as a partner model? 

Physical factors (geography, location of services, etc.) and environmental factors (climate, pollution, etc.) are components of this


Why is it important for the CHN to validate the community nursing diagnosis with community residents?

It's important for establishing and maintaining a relationship with the community. Community residents have the right to identify their own needs and negotiate with regards to interventions and specific programs


When does the CHN identify the evaluation plan?

Think about the planning process and how the plan will be evaluated (after it's implemented)


What are the main principles of ethics? (There's 7)

Autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, veracity, distributive justice, and respect for people 


How can a CHN influence health policy?

- Learn the legislative process

- Stay informed on current issues

- Identify government representatives

- Be an active constituent 

- Speak out 


What are the components of the social systems in the community as a partner model?

Health, economic, education, religious, welfare, political, reaction, legal, communication, and transportation systems. Along with resources and services


In relation to the community as a partner, what's the highest priority in carrying out the community-based plan?

The plan begins with the validation of the community nursing diagnosis from the community members. The community members need to feel a sense of ownership of the program 


What are the ways the nurse could evaluate the immediate impact of a community health program?

Think about behavioral changes within the community 


What's applied ethics?

The function is to provide a systematic, logical framework for analysis, discourse, and decision making that helps ensure that decisions are grounded in the philosophy of "good" actions


How does a CHN participate in policy-making?

- Recognizing and defining the problem of interest (assessment)

- Determine what type of policy is required and who has jurisdiction over the problem --> policy formation (planning)

- Budget and policy implementation

- Evaluating the new policy 


What are the basic components of the Windshield survey?

People, places, housing, social systems (anything that can be observed)


What are the components of the nursing diagnosis? 

- Community awareness of the problem, readiness to acknowledge and address the problem

- Available expertise/fiscal resources

- Severity of the problem 

- Amount of time needed for problem resolution 


What are the critical elements for the CHN to ensure the success of a community health program?

Involve the community and have them be an active member of the process 


What does politics influence in a community? 

Politics shape policies by analyzing the impact of the policy on public health 


What is the progression and components of the community assessment?

Assessment --> analysis --> nursing diagnosis


What are community stressors?

Tension-producing stimuli that have the potential of causing disruption in the community (can be inside or outside the community) 

What are the steps of the program planning process? (Think ADPIE)

- Identification and development of a felt need and desire for a change

- Development of a change relationship between CHN and the community

- Diagnosis of the community's problem, need, or objective 

- Examination of alternative routes and tentative goals and intentions of actions (planning)

- Transformation of intentions into actual change (implementation)

- Stabilization and evaluation 

- Termination of the relationship between CHN and the community 


What type of interventions does the CHN implement in health promotion programs?

- Focuses on entire populations

- Establishes caring relationships with the community, systems, etc.

- Is grounded in social justice, compassion, sensitivity to diversity, and respect for the worth of all people (especially the vulnerable)

- Collaborates w/ community resources to achieve those strategies but can work alone if necessary

- Derives its authority from the Nurse Practice Act


Ethics v. Laws

- Ethics considers people to be inherently good but laws consider people to be bad

- Ethics is what people should do but laws are what people must do

- Ethics have no real punishment if broken but laws have penalties in terms of fines and imprisonment 


What are the steps in the process of deriving a community nursing diagnosis?

First, assessment data are categorized and studied for inferences that are descriptive of potential or actual health problems amenable to nursing interventions. Next, associated inferences that explain the derivation or continuation of the problem are identified. Last, documentation is present 
