What are Port Bucks
Fake classroom cash that you are able to buy rewards with!
How many points are you able to earn each day?
How long of breaks are you allowed?
5 minutes
What happens if you are out of your assigned area without permission?
You will receive 0s
When can you buy canteen?
you will place the order on thursday!
If you get all "1's" during the day, how many extra port bucks can you earn?
No. But it does not affect your daily percentage and you still have the opportunity to earn the bonus 20 port bucks.
Where can you go if you need a break?
Cubby or the Harbor
How do you enter the classroom/building?
Walking and quietly
Where are Ms. Katelyn's pencils located?
The drawer closest to the computers
When are you allowed to spend your port bucks?
During breakfast, lunch, and break times
To earn points you must:
Complete assignments and have positive interactions with adults and peers.
What should you do if staff asks you to go to a different area due to inappropriate use of your break?
Go with them - if not you will be considered out of area.
Are you allowed to discuss port issues/staff/peers when you are in the classroom?
No. LEC staff cannot do anything about situations that happen while at port.
If you are finished with your work early, what is something that you can do?
-independent read
-ask staff in the room
What is another way to earn port bucks?
By going above and beyond in the classroom!
What does it mean to complete an assignment?
Possible answers:
-work for 80% of the class period
- correct returned work to 90%
- turn in completed work
-work until staff tells you to clean up
What will happen if you refuse to take a break outside of the classroom when asked?
The classroom will be cleared, and administration will be called.
Is other students business/plan your business?
If you finish your work early what are some things you can NOT do?
-Wander the classroom
-Talk to peers
-Be noisy
How do you know if you are able to buy?
If you have a productive day and there is a dot next to your name on the white board.
What does it mean to have positive interactions with adults and peers?
Possible answers:
-Respect privacy and boundaries
- Do not touch things that don't belong to you
- keep your things at your desk
- no swearing, racial slurs, bullying, teasing, rudeness, harassment, and staff splitting
-keep your hands to yourself
How many point will you be charged if you decide to use the restroom during a time that is not a designated classroom break time?
100 points :(
What is something Katelyn wants to see an example of in the classroom? (How should you act)
Communication is _____?
KEY! Communicate with staff and let us know what's going on. We care about you and want you to do well!