Present Simple vs Present Continous
Past Simple vs Past Continous
can, can’t, could or couldn’t
Degrees of comparison
some, any, no or every

Tony________________ (not play) tennis on weekdays. He _______________(usually / play) tennis at the weekend.

Tony doesn't play tennis on weekdays. He ususally plays tennis at the weekend.


Alice _____________ (graduate) from university last year.

Alice graduated from university last year.


He ________surf the Internet in his free time because he hasn’t got a computer at home.

He CAN'T surf the Internet in his free time because he hasn’t got a computer at home.


Mr Thomson’s house is the _____________(modern) house in the neighbourhood.

Mr Thomson’s house is the most modern house in the neighbourhood.


There aren’t _____ seagulls on the beach today.

There aren’t any seagulls on the beach today.


Robert and Ian _____________(not train) for the competition. They ___________________(watch) a video on the Internet at the moment.

Robert and Ian aren't training for the competition. They are watching a video on the Internet at the moment.


Robert and his sister ____________(not watch) a DVD when their mother returned home. They ____________ (make) a video call to their cousins.

Robert and his sister weren't watching a DVD when their mother returned home. They were making a video call to their cousins.


My sister __________ cook very well. Her food is great!

My sister can cook very well. Her food is great!


Frank is _______(good) at tennis than his brother John.

Frank is better at tennis than his brother John.


Look! There are _______ cows in this field. They are big!

Look! There are some cows in this field. They are big!


Oh, no! The children ________________(draw) on the table!

Oh, no! The children are drawing on the table!


I ____________ (climb) a ladder when I ________ (fall) and ______ (hit) my head.

I was climbing a ladder when I fell and hit my head.


Linda _______go shopping yesterday because she didn’t have any money.

Linda couldn't go shopping yesterday because she didn’t have any money.


The underground is the ______(fast) means of transport in the city.

The underground is the fastest means of transport in the city.


There’s _____milk left. We can’t make the cake.

There’s no milk left. We can’t make the cake.


Alan _____________ (never / play) table tennis. He______________ (not like) It.

Alan never plays table tennis. He doesn't like It.


While my sister _______(talk) on the phone, I ________(make) a salad.

While my sister was talking on the phone, I was making a salad.


A:________ you speak French when you were ten years old?

B: No, I __________.

A:Could you speak French when you were ten years old?

B: No, I couldn't.


My hometown is _____________(peaceful) than the capital city.

My hometown is more peaceful than the capital city.


Can I have ______ biscuits, please?

Can I have some biscuits, please?


I _____________ (not get) up early on Saturdays.

I don't get up early on Saturdays.


Yesterday afternoon, my friends and I __________ (play) football in the park when, suddenly, it ________(start) raining, so we _____________ (decide) to go home.

Yesterday afternoon, my friends and I were playing  football in the park when, suddenly, it started raining, so we decided to go home.


When James was young, he _______play basketball very well, but now he ______ . He’s in the school team.

When James was young, he couldn't play basketball very well, but now he can. He’s in the school team.


The new stadium is ________(far) from my house than the old stadium.

The new stadium is further from my house than the old stadium.


Is there ______ orange juice in the fridge?

Is there any orange juice in the fridge?
