what are kallens 3 favorite sports.
baseball basketball and football
who is brookses favorite nfl team.
denver broncos
what is moms favorite color
what year did you marry.
what is rowans favorite nfl taem
buffallo bills
What is my favorite NFL player
who is my favorite nfl player
Patrick Surtain ``
what is moms bigist ick
noisy eaters
what year were you born
who is rowans favorite nfl player
josh Allen
Who are my three best friends
Duke, Myles, Kaiden
what is my favorite video game
Favorite TV Show
The Office
How old were you when Brooks was Born
Who is my favorite family member
My Govenor
What is my favorite movie
White Chicks
Who is my least favorite NFL team
Carolina Panthers
How many other countries have I been to
Who is your favorite NFL team
What is my favorite board game
what is my bigist fear
Who do I think is going to win the college championship
Where was I born
Boulder Colorado
What is your favorite TV show
Sons of Anarchy
What am I most scared of
Being in the darkness by myself