Education and Healthcare in the
Elections from
2000 - 2008
Government Scandals and Legislation
Immigration and Other Random stuff I didn't know where to fit in.
2000 - 2010

With most of the changes to Education being made late into the 1990's its safe to say that education before these changes on the country wide scale was ______

Best student response gets this one right.


With the election of President Barack Obama, It became a prominent election as he became the first ________ President

President Barack Obama became the first African American President


Who was the second ever President to be Impeached?

The second ever President to be impeached was none other than President Bill Clinton.


Based on how immigration laws changed a lot throughout history, how do you think this impacted the immigrants?

 immigrants were impacted severely by the ever-changing laws as they are even legal immigrants were at risk of being kicked out of the US.


Towards the end of the 1990's which State in the U.S. Contributed the most towards the development of Education?

The state that contributed the most was California!


The 2000 presidential election between Bush v Gore ended up being one of the ______ elections in history.

The presidential election between Bush v Gore ended up being one of the closest elections ever.


President Bill Clinton was impeached from office during his second term because of a scandal in which he had an _________ with someone else in office.

President Bill Clinton was impeached due to a scandal in which he had an affair on his wife with a White House intern.


Who is Sandra Day O' Connor?

She was the first woman appointed to the US Supreme court and an advocate for judicial independence and the Rule of Law 


throughout the 2010's which President of the United States at the time implemented healthcare that is still used to this day? And what is the healthcare's name?

The Healthcare is called Obamacare, and of course the president at the time was President Barack Obama.


During Obama's campaign for presidency who was the person that he mainly contrasted himself against? 

During most of President Obama's campaign he mainly contrasted himself against the former President George W. Bush


What do you think were the people's reactions to the news of President Bill Clintons impeachment?

Due to his affair, people felt betrayed and sought the need to impeach him as the House of Representatives charged Clinton with perjury and obstruction of justice.


What was the Watergate incident under the presidency of Nixon?

The Watergate incident was basically a burglary and wiretapping of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee done by Nixons own reelection committee. (might be wrong)


The government hesitated on granting money through healthcare as they believed that the people would become __________ on the government.

The government believed that the people would become too dependent/reliant on the government.


During basically every election, how much of an impact did third parties have in terms of the amount of votes they gained?

Either less than 1%, or Little to no Impact would be correct.


What was the Government Legislation Implemented after the September 11 attacks?

The act Implemented was the USA Patriotic act which reinforced the nations security throughout all states.


When California passed the Proposition 209, (which outlawed affirmative action in public employment, public contracting and public education) It caused several other states to _________

It caused other states to Implement their own initiatives in hope to pass similar legislation on a federal level.


During Obama's Presidency one of the major problems that the ______ ___ Kept rising regardless of his attempts at stabilizing the economy

During Obama's Presidency, one of the major problems he had to face was that with each attempt at helping the people, the federal debt only continued to rise.


What was the impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and why was it implemented?

The impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was that it helped the people from the economic crisis that occurred after the attacks on September 11th. Also being the reason why, it was implemented.
