AMDocs etr.
What is 24-48 hours?
A 6 digit verification code.
What is 2FA ABO?
To track an order.
Error Code 6G.
What is a delay / What is waiting on a response from the OSP.
This is a port that has been edited.
What is port request modify?
"Please cancel pending ports and clear eligibility checker for CTN xxxxxxxx as it is failing pre port eligibility check."
What is the AMDocs Short Description Field?
Is what you do when a Tier 2 posted chat has not been responded to in 2 minutes.
What is a Bump?
Is an 8 digit number that can be confused in ASAP port status.
What is the Request Number?
Error Code 6B.
What is Port Protection
This shows shows reseller information and port history.
What is ICP Port Selection?
The next the step after you clicked begin next work.
What is set to pending?
If Tier 2 is unable to resolve an RR for you, and they advise this as your next step.
What is creating an AMDocs Ticket?
It's where you edit port status.
What is Port Status?
Error Code 6C.
What is the information provided doesn't match the billers information?
A 16 digit very important number.
What is the request number?
An ATT port that didn't complete activation.
What is Port Activation Fail in TLG?
Is always provided when requesting assistance from Tier 2.
To view payment history.
What is Memo List?
Error Code 8A.
What is submitted the wrong account number?
Is where you click to get the information for a 1P.
The 2 most common AMDocs tickets.
What is cancel port and complete activations?
Is an advocate that cannot be assisted.
What is a non verified advocate?
The number in the bottom drop down on account review.
What is Non-Active CTN?
Error Code 8D.
What is submitted the incorrect zip code?
Is where you find out if a number is active.
What is NPAC column?